10 Top Mother’s Day Campaigns Show Why Mom Is The Best

These Moth­er’s Day cam­paigns are so good they may make you want to call Mom.

Lisa Lacy By Lisa Lacy. Join the discussion » 0 comments

From Jet­Blue, to Apple, to Tele­flo­ra, here’s a look at some of the most mem­o­rable cel­e­bra­tions of moth­er­hood for 2016.

Forty weeks with­out chardon­nay is no pic­nic, but that’s just the tip of the mater­nal ice­berg. That’s why, in part, we fete our moth­ers each year – and why brands are eager to cap­ture the atten­tion of grate­ful sons and daugh­ters.

Mother’s Day is the third-largest retail hol­i­day in the U.S. (behind Christmas/Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day), with the aver­age U.S. con­sumer spend­ing about $172 for a total of $21.4 bil­lion in 2016, accord­ing to the Nation­al Retail Fed­er­a­tion

Per­haps not sur­pris­ing­ly, the con­sumers sur­veyed by the NRF said they plan to buy jew­el­ry, flow­ers, gift cards, con­sumer elec­tron­ics, and per­son­al ser­vices for their moth­ers.

Here’s a look at 10 of this year’s best mar­ket­ing cam­paigns from brands hop­ing con­sumers will spend their $172 with them – or at least remind con­sumers to do some­thing – and, like mom her­self per­haps, tug at some heart­strings while they’re at it.



Sure, we know fly­ing with scream­ing babies is tough, but it is actu­al­ly worse for the moth­er of said child, who hears those screams bet­ter than any­one while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly attempt­ing to soothe said baby amid the angry glares of all those around her.

That’s the con­cept behind JetBlue’s Fly­Ba­bies, a Mother’s‑Day-themed video exe­cu­tion in which pas­sen­gers on a flight from New York to Cal­i­for­nia were giv­en 25 per­cent off their next Jet­Blue flight each time a baby cried, mak­ing it what a flight atten­dant called “the very first flight when cry­ing babies on a plane is a good thing,” and lead­ing instead to claps for each cry and the tagline, “Next time, smile at a baby, for cry­ing out loud.”

The video gen­er­at­ed 655,000 views on YouTube in its first three days and has a True Reach – or views across plat­forms – of near­ly 2 mil­lion, per ana­lyt­ics firm Vis­i­ble Mea­sures.



Tech giant Apple released a 30-sec­ond video of moms shot on iPhones, which it says “[cel­e­brates] moth­er­hood through the lens of iPhone users around the world.”

An exten­sion of Apple’s pre-exist­ing Shot on an iPhone cam­paign, it has near­ly 500,000 views on YouTube since it was pub­lished May 1.

Procter & Gamble


Speak­ing of strong, mon­ey trans­fer ser­vice West­ern Union has enlist­ed the help of Den­ver Bron­cos line­backer and Super Bowl 50 MVP – not to men­tion recent “Danc­ing with the Stars” par­tic­i­pant – Von Miller in remind­ing view­ers to thank their moms and to per­haps send their love with a lit­tle help from West­ern Union.

The video has 175,000 views on Face­book.


Flower deliv­ery ser­vice Tele­flo­ra also salutes strength in its One Tough Moth­er video, which has 5.3 mil­lion views on YouTube and count­ing.

Set to the back­drop of leg­endary Green Bay Pack­ers coach Vince Lombardi’s What It Takes to Be Num­ber One speech, the brand said, “Moth­er­hood isn’t always hearts and ros­es. But Moth­er’s Day can be with a bou­quet from Tele­flo­ra.”

The brand also not­ed this is the lat­est in a series of hol­i­day videos that “cap­tures the sen­ti­ment of gift­ing flow­ers with some of the most heart­felt and touch­ing life moments shared between loved ones.”

On Moth­er’s Day, we often focus on the mater­nal love and sup­port moms give their chil­dren,” said David Dancer, Tele­flo­ra’s exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent and head of mar­ket­ing, in a state­ment. “But there are so many more inspir­ing moth­er­hood moments – includ­ing all the sweat, tears and hard work that moms give their kids every day.”


1800Flowers Alexa Mother's Day For its part, 1–800-Flowers has teamed up with wire­less speak­er and voice com­mand device Ama­zon Alexa to enable voice-acti­vat­ed flower orders and deliv­er­ies for moms this year.

Per a press release, 1–800-Flowers is the first third par­ty e‑commerce retail­er to uti­lize this tech­nol­o­gy on Alexa-enabled devices. Fur­ther, the brand also recent­ly announced the abil­i­ty to order flow­ers via bots in Face­book Mes­sen­ger, as well as the launch of the beta ver­sion of an AI-pow­ered shop­ping expe­ri­ence, GWYN, which taps into IBM Wat­son and uses nat­ur­al lan­guage pro­cess­ing to inter­act with users and make gift sug­ges­tions.

Michael Kors

On a slight­ly less tech­ni­cal note, the fash­ion design­er has enlist­ed the help of mod­el Alessan­dro Ambro­sio and her daugh­ter in a series of videos and images on Insta­gram with the hash­tag #What­She­Wants. Each post has aver­aged about 73,000 likes. The cam­paign also report­ed­ly includ­ed an email with a Q&A with Ambro­sio.


In the lat­est chap­ter of its #InstaBar­neys series, which the lux­u­ry depart­ment store says looks at its stores through the eyes of “styl­ish influ­encers,” Bar­neys fea­tured the moth­er-daugh­ter duo behind the blog Scout the City as they spent the day at the brand’s flag­ship Madi­son Avenue store. The result­ing images are fea­tured on Bar­neys’ edi­to­r­i­al site, The Win­dow, as well as on Insta­gram, and the brand encour­ages read­ers to chime in with the hash­tag #Love­Mom.

California Pizza Kitchen

Final­ly, piz­za chain CPK is ask­ing sons and daugh­ters to post pho­tos and videos of their own with wish­es for their moth­ers along with the hash­tag #CPKDear­Mom for a chance for that wish to be grant­ed.

Which Moth­er’s Day cam­paign do you think is the best? Why?

Lisa Lacy

Written by Lisa Lacy

Lisa is a senior features writer for Inked. She also previously covered digital marketing for Incisive Media. Her background includes editorial positions at Dow Jones, the Financial Times, the Huffington Post, AOL, Amazon, Hearst, Martha Stewart Living and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.

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