Using SEO & PR To Create Consumer-Centric Content

Cre­ate engag­ing con­tent that pro­vides use­ful infor­ma­tion to con­sumers while telling your brand sto­ry.

Courtney Sulzberger By Courtney Sulzberger from Wpromote. Join the discussion » 0 comments

When work­ing togeth­er, SEO and PR are the dream team. It leads to high qual­i­ty links, a stronger online pres­ence, and a uni­fied brand strat­e­gy. How­ev­er, this is dif­fi­cult to achieve. SEO and PR have a dif­fi­cult time work­ing effec­tive­ly togeth­er. They work side-by-side, but not with one anoth­er, thus los­ing on a valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with the user.

Often, PR focus­es on men­tions from edi­to­r­i­al sources and influ­encers with­in the indus­try. Their goal can focus on brand affin­i­ty, pro­mo­tion of a new product/line, or pos­i­tive sen­ti­ment, such as a rave review for a new movie. On the oth­er hand, most SEOs focus on cre­at­ing con­tent for the sake of rank­ing, lead­ing to an extreme­ly sat­u­rat­ed space with just “OK” con­tent.

Rather than get­ting men­tions and cre­at­ing con­tent for the sake of PR place­ments and rank­ings, these tac­tics should be serv­ing a greater pur­pose for both the brand and user. Cre­at­ing a cer­tain piece of con­tent and achiev­ing a place­ment on a rel­e­vant site helps tell your brand sto­ry while assist­ing the user with more valu­able infor­ma­tion.

So, how can we solve this dis­con­nect?

It’s sim­ple – com­bine the efforts of your SEO & PR teams to cre­ate engag­ing con­tent that pro­vides use­ful infor­ma­tion for the user while telling your brand sto­ry.

Topic Research

It all begins with research. A wide vari­ety of infor­ma­tion is avail­able for you.

Using tools such as Google AdWords Key­word Plan­ner, you can research var­i­ous queries that peo­ple are already search­ing for. Sim­i­lar­ly, you can use the site search data with­in Google Ana­lyt­ics to see if users are try­ing to find a spe­cif­ic piece of con­tent on your own site.

From here, plug this data into Buz­zSumo or a sim­i­lar tool to see what pieces of con­tent are already trend­ing for these top­ics:

BuzzSumo content marketing

Like­wise, PR agents can share their indus­try insights. What are jour­nal­ists writ­ing about? What types of quotes or infor­ma­tion are they request­ing about this brand?

Ulti­mate­ly, jour­nal­ists are per­form­ing the same task – pro­vid­ing use­ful con­tent for the user – so any insights from them can be extreme­ly use­ful.

Develop The Content

Both teams must joint­ly decide on a top­ic that answers a con­sumer’s ques­tion. Once a top­ic is decid­ed upon, var­i­ous con­tent pieces can be devel­oped to address it. Whether it’s a guide, info­graph­ic, blog post series or new prod­uct fil­ter, this con­tent piece should address the con­sumer query in a clean, yet infor­ma­tive way.

Don’t rush this process. You don’t want to be cre­at­ing more “OK” con­tent that sat­u­rates the online field. To help with this, rely on UX experts as well as your SEO and PR teams. They are going to assist with seed­ing this con­tent, so you want to make sure they believe in it as much as you do.

The Art of Man­li­ness does an excel­lent job devel­op­ing con­tent that’s use­ful for both SEO and PR. For exam­ple, they cre­at­ed a video, “How to Trim a Beard”, that answered any beard trim­ming ques­tions for their tar­get demo (ful­fill­ing a need).

Fur­ther­more, this con­tent was eas­i­ly incor­po­rat­ed into off-site arti­cles by indus­try blog­gers.

Seed The Content

Before even pub­lish­ing the con­tent, you need to cre­ate a seed­ing plan for how you plan on pub­lish­ing, ampli­fy­ing and push­ing this con­tent to your con­sumers. See below for an exam­ple seed­ing plan.

  • Pub­lish the con­tent
  • Share con­tent on rel­e­vant social chan­nels (Face­book and Pin­ter­est)
    • Pro­mote post with small bud­get ($100)
  • Incor­po­rate con­tent into time­ly email blast
  • Reach out to var­i­ous relat­ed jour­nal­ist, blog­ger and sites shar­ing the con­tent with them.
    • SEO out­reach list
    • PR out­reach list

The dig­i­tal PR team has two options for how to seed the desired top­ic. They can ask jour­nal­ists to incor­po­rate the con­tent into an exist­ing arti­cle or pitch a sim­i­lar idea for a com­plete­ly new off-site con­tent piece. Either way, con­sumers will still be able to find the infor­ma­tion they need and asso­ciate your brand with pro­vid­ing this infor­ma­tion.

Using this approach to cre­at­ing user-cen­tric con­tent has many ben­e­fits. It:

  • Focus­es SEO & PR goals on the user, rather than quan­ti­ta­tive met­rics.
  • Leads to bet­ter qual­i­ty con­tent that res­onates with the con­sumer.
  • Increas­es the effec­tive­ness of SEO & PR work­ing togeth­er.

Are you using SEO and PR to cre­ate engag­ing, con­sumer-cen­tric con­tent?

Courtney Sulzberger

Written by Courtney Sulzberger

SEO Analyst, Wpromote

Courtney Sulzberger is a marketing professional at Wpromote, the nation's leading digital Commerce Agency specializing in search engine optimization, paid search, social media marketing, and more. Her passion is SEO, however she has years of experience with PPC and Social Media. Specializing in fashion e-commerce, Courtney has worked with small to large brands, helping them grow their presence on multiple channels.

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