Reinventing Your Website: 6 Insightful Tips

Here are six tips for redesign­ing and rebuild­ing your web­site so it tells your sto­ry and helps peo­ple remem­ber your brand.

Matt Anderson By Matt Anderson from Struck. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Whether you’re a brand, a busi­ness, or an agency, no busi­ness tool might be as vis­i­ble (and impor­tant) as your web­site. It’s a show­case for your work and your phi­los­o­phy – and also a cost-effi­cient way to increase leads and dri­ve recruit­ing efforts. But every few years, you have to start ask­ing some tough ques­tions about your site: How long has it been since the last update? Does it tell the right sto­ry? Does it meet cur­rent design and tech­nol­o­gy stan­dards? Is it time for a redesign?

If you want the truth, here it is: No project is as ter­ri­ble as your own web­site. If you’ve worked on one, you know how it goes :  too many opin­ions, too many ideas, nev­er enough time, nev­er enough focus. I’m not try­ing to start this post on a neg­a­tive note, but I fig­ured we should get that out of the way. Our new Struck site has been no dif­fer­ent. I won’t admit when we start­ed work­ing on it. I’ll sim­ply say that it’s long over­due and we’re incred­i­bly proud of the result. Our rein­vent­ed web­site is a giant leap for­ward. It’s a mod­ern site that show­cas­es our cre­ativ­i­ty along­side our strate­gic chops. In many ways, this new site is a reflec­tion of the changes that have hap­pened at our agency over the last four/five years. How, exact­ly, did we tack­le this chal­lenge? We iden­ti­fied a num­ber of strate­gic guardrails – and then devel­oped UX stan­dards and a visu­al approach with­in that frame­work. Here’s how it played out for us (along with a few thoughts on how you might lever­age a sim­i­lar process).

1. Tell The Right Stories

When our agency got off the ground near­ly 15 years ago, we spe­cial­ized in deliv­er­ing amaz­ing dig­i­tal and design solu­tions, but most­ly as a part­ner for big­ger agen­cies. But over the last five years, we’ve changed dra­mat­i­cal­ly. We’re no longer a cre­ative pro­duc­tion shop, crank­ing out dozens of projects with big-agency part­ners around the world. We work direct­ly with some amaz­ing clients (Nick­elodeon, Jack in the Box, the Utah Office of Tourism) and our work reach­es far beyond dig­i­tal cam­paign exe­cu­tions. The struc­ture of our site need­ed to reflect that evo­lu­tion. So we did away with our end­less scroll of projects and the funky sort­ing mech­a­nism that let you see work based on cat­e­go­ry and indus­try cross-sec­tions (though the debate around this one still rages on). Instead, we’ve focused on five client nar­ra­tives  –  sto­ries that demon­strate our com­plete agency capa­bil­i­ties: strate­gic think­ing, cre­ative excel­lence, and long-term rela­tion­ships. Key take­away: Make sure you’re telling the right sto­ry. Your site should reflect your prin­ci­ples, val­ues, and poten­tial – whether you’re an agency, a brand, or a cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al work­ing on a port­fo­lio.

2. Give People A Reason To Remember You

All this seri­ous talk about strat­e­gy and long-term rela­tion­ships doesn’t mean we’ve lost our way. We’re still a cre­ative agency, dri­ven to make things that have nev­er been made before. The new site con­tains touch­es and flour­ish­es and illus­tra­tions galore. We designed and built a rotat­ing home­page mar­quee that allows our design­ers to give their own spin on a part of our process  – and to show what it means to Defy Log­ic through a spir­it of Greater Than. Each mar­quee tile is the work of a dif­fer­ent design­er or illus­tra­tor, brought to life by our in-house devel­op­ment team. Key take­away: Don’t for­get the details. The lit­tle sur­pris­es (micro-inter­ac­tions) are often what leave the biggest impact on your audi­ence.

3. Weave Your Culture Into Your Website

At one point in the process, we land­ed on a sim­ple con­sen­sus: if you have to make a video with “Cul­ture” in the title to show­case your cul­ture  –  well, maybe you’re doing it wrong. It’s a par­al­lel to the prin­ci­ple that if you have to tell every­one how cool you are, you def­i­nite­ly aren’t very cool. At the same time, our agency is a vibrant, cre­ative haven made spe­cial by all the peo­ple who choose to work here. We like each oth­er. We do weird things togeth­er. We fight for our, um, cul­ture. So, we tried to weave that spir­it through­out the entire site. More pho­tos of peo­ple doing what they do. More scrib­bles. Sharp­er lan­guage. But no “cul­ture” videos. Nev­er. Key take­away: Nev­er under­es­ti­mate the val­ue of human con­nec­tion. Peo­ple hire agen­cies (and buy prod­ucts) because of real, emo­tion­al con­nec­tions. There’s no bet­ter way to con­nect than with a face.

4. Go Behind The Scenes

We love it when our favorite artists and design­ers pull back the cur­tain. We’re hop­ing to do the same. Our web­site has more works in progress, more sketch­es, and more rough drafts – in our client nar­ra­tives and also on our social chan­nels. We’re big Aaron Draplin fans and the video of his 15-minute logo chal­lenge is amaz­ing. So is the screen-cap­ture process of DKNG Stu­dios’ Explo­sions in the Sky poster. That’s a high bar. We’re aim­ing for it. We’ve built process tiles into our client nar­ra­tive struc­ture. Now we just need to make sure we fill them with some­thing awe­some. Key take­away: How you arrived at the solu­tion is often as com­pelling as the solu­tion itself. Also, it demon­strates your process and a com­mit­ment to your craft.

5. Use Technology To Your Advantage

We killed our blog. Yep. Killed it. Why? Because no one was read­ing it. A quick peek at our Google Ana­lyt­ics revealed that blog traf­fic was a micro­scop­ic per­cent­age of the views/reads/recommends/shares we were get­ting on Medi­um. So the blog was gone. But that doesn’t mean we’ve giv­en up. We replaced it with some­thing we call Today-ish, a snap­shot of our most cur­rent con­tent on each of our favorite plat­forms. Long-form writ­ing from Medi­um. Images and short videos from Insta­gram. Semi-coher­ent ram­blings from Twit­ter. Videos and case stud­ies on Vimeo. We even archived most of our lega­cy projects on Behance. It’s a won­der­ful world, right? Our site doesn’t have to do all of these things. We can use spe­cial­ized plat­forms and then aggre­gate the high­lights. For those who want to see every sin­gle thing we’re saying/seeing/recording/writing, there’s even a com­pre­hen­sive aggre­gate we call Every­thing-ish. Key take­away: Be smart. You don’t have to build every­thing from scratch. Smart busi­ness­es know how, when and where to lever­age exist­ing tech­nol­o­gy. It’s a skill that your clients should appre­ci­ate.

6. Iterate & Evolve

We could’ve spent anoth­er year pol­ish­ing and refin­ing the site. But we decid­ed to prac­tice what we preach (iter­a­tion!) and we launched. Is the new site per­fect? Of course not. Noth­ing on the Inter­net is (except maybe this). So we’ll keep evolv­ing. We’ll add new client nar­ra­tives. We’ll clean up our mess­es. And, as it all hap­pens, we’ll prob­a­bly change our minds a few times. Because that’s what we do. Key take­away: Things don’t have to be per­fect when you launch. Estab­lish your own def­i­n­i­tion of a min­i­mum viable prod­uct (MVP) and go from there. Keep at it. Plan time for improve­ments and hot fix­es.

Matt Anderson

Written by Matt Anderson

CEO & Executive Creative Director, Struck

In his role as Chief Executive Officer, Matt Anderson is responsible for setting the overall strategic direction for Struck and leading the creative team. He crafts smart solutions to client's problems based on strategic insights, and works with a team of specialists to deliver high-quality, creative work. Matt also ensures the agency retains and pushes its creative reputation in all disciplines: branding, environments, digital, and advertising.

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