Converting Consumers On Social Networks: YouTube Tops Facebook, Google+, Twitter [Study]

Social media has tra­di­tion­al­ly been a dif­fi­cult chan­nel with which to attribute con­ver­sions and mea­sure ROIs. How­ev­er, recent stud­ies have shed new light on the way con­sumers are being influ­enced by social media chan­nels with­in con­sumer deci­sion...

Pat Hong By Pat Hong from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Social media has tra­di­tion­al­ly been a dif­fi­cult chan­nel with which to attribute con­ver­sions and mea­sure ROIs. How­ev­er, recent stud­ies have shed new light on the way con­sumers are being influ­enced by social media chan­nels with­in con­sumer deci­sion jour­neys. Is it time brands took a clos­er look at how they could be using social media to raise aware­ness and dri­ve con­ver­sions?

YouTube is the most pow­er­ful plat­form for adver­tis­ers in terms of influ­ence in both first and last touch con­ver­sions of con­sumer pur­chase fun­nels, accord­ing to a new study of social media adver­tis­ing released by AOL Plat­forms.

The study ana­lyzed 500 mil­lion clicks, 15 mil­lion con­ver­sions, and 3 bil­lion impres­sions gath­ered dur­ing Q1 2014. This cov­ered more than $1 bil­lion of attrib­uted rev­enue across Con­vertro clients, and forms one of the most com­pre­hen­sive stud­ies of how paid and organ­ic adver­tis­ing on social net­works influ­ences sales in recent times. Con­vertro used pow­er­ful algo­rithms based on machine learn­ing to pro­duce an accu­rate analy­sis of more than 13 mil­lion unique pur­chase paths and the touch points.

How Social Channels Drive Conversions

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YouTube was the strongest of all the major social net­works at both intro­duc­ing new prod­ucts, fig­ur­ing at 18 per­cent of all con­ver­sions on the chan­nel, as well as dri­ving con­ver­sions, with last-touch attri­bu­tions total­ing 14 per­cent, accord­ing to the study. A con­sid­er­able 14 per­cent also used YouTube as the only chan­nel before con­vert­ing.

Face­book came in a close sec­ond, with fig­ures of 14 per­cent at intro­duc­ing new prod­ucts, and 11 per­cent at clos­ing sales. Ten per­cent of con­vert­ing cus­tomers did so with­out inter­act­ing with any oth­er chan­nels or sources, and the remain­ing 69 per­cent were influ­enced by Face­book in the mid­dle of their pur­chase jour­neys.

Slight­ly behind YouTube and Face­book in first and last touch con­ver­sions was Google+. Of all of the con­ver­sions influ­enced by Google+ inter­ac­tions, 7 per­cent were first-touch­point intro­duc­tions to new prod­ucts, and 10 per­cent could be attrib­uted to last-touch attri­bu­tions. A fur­ther 7 per­cent con­vert­ed with users inter­act­ing sole­ly with Google+, and the remain­ing 76 per­cent were influ­enced by inter­ac­tions on the chan­nel in the mid­dle of the fun­nel.

In sharp con­trast to YouTube, Twit­ter mea­sured just 1 per­cent as the first touch­point in con­sumers pur­chase fun­nels, and just 4 per­cent in last touch con­ver­sions, but mea­sured a mas­sive 92 per­cent in mid­dle of the path, empha­siz­ing the val­ue of social media rec­om­men­da­tions and influ­ence as con­sumers are con­sid­er­ing and eval­u­at­ing their pur­chas­es.

How Social Media Compares To Other Marketing Channels

The report also pro­vid­ed some inter­est­ing data on how social media com­pares to oth­er estab­lished mar­ket­ing chan­nels.

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As the dia­gram above illus­trates, social media is much more like­ly than any oth­er mar­ket­ing chan­nel to serve as a mid­dle-of-the-fun­nel touch­point in con­sumer pur­chase jour­neys, with 87 per­cent of inter­ac­tions tak­ing place in this phase, indi­cat­ing the chan­nel is most effec­tive in build­ing cus­tomer aware­ness and con­sid­er­a­tion of a prod­uct.

In terms of con­ver­sions, social media (both paid and organ­ic) is equal to or just below oth­er mar­ket­ing chan­nels with the over­all rate of con­ver­sion mea­sur­ing at 2.49 per­cent.

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Paid & Organic Traffic On Social Media

Con­vertro fur­ther looked at how paid and organ­ic traf­fic broke down on Twit­ter, Pin­ter­est, and Face­book. On all three plat­forms, the data high­light­ed an inter­est­ing trend. On all three chan­nels paid social adver­tis­ing encour­aged far more new cus­tomer acqui­si­tions, appear­ing many times as “first” or “only” touch­points, while organ­ic social adver­tis­ing func­tions much more often as a mid­dle-of-the-fun­nel touch point. Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 16.07.09

Social Media Performance By Vertical

Unsupris­ing­ly, not all ver­ti­cals expe­ri­ence the same per­for­mance on social media. Con­vertro ana­lyzed sev­er­al ver­ti­cals across social media chan­nels: Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 17.39.56

As the chart above shows, sub­scrip­tion ser­vices and health and beau­ty prod­ucts expe­ri­ence a strong lev­el of first, last, and unique (“only”) con­ver­sions via social media chan­nels.

Con­vertro also men­tioned in the report that “paid social media also tend­ed to be a strong chan­nel for intro­duc­ing those prod­ucts to new audi­ences, and it played a strong part at the end of the consumer’s path to pur­chase, dri­ving the even­tu­al sale.”

Top 5 Takeaways For Brands

Con­vertro’s report shows the grow­ing influ­ence of social media chan­nels in inform­ing and dri­ving con­sumer pur­chase deci­sions. The study high­lights five key take­aways for brands to opti­mize their social media adver­tis­ing.

1. Social Media Works For Your Brand

The data affirms the val­ue of social media as a cru­cial chan­nel in mid­dle-of-the-fun­nel stages of con­sumer pur­chase cycles, but espe­cial­ly in the case of YouTube, and to a less­er extent Face­book and Google+, pro­vides evi­dence that users are also being influ­enced in the way of first and last touch con­ver­sions.

2. Make Paid Social Work For You

Con­vertro’s analy­sis pro­vides com­pelling evi­dence to sug­gest that paid social is a much more effec­tive upper and low­er fun­nel solu­tion than invest­ing in the chan­nel organ­i­cal­ly.

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In fact, as the graph­ic above shows, mar­keters invest­ing in paid social can expect to see a 25 per­cent lift in the num­ber of sales, com­pared to that gen­er­at­ed by organ­ic, non-paid mar­ket­ing activ­i­ty.

3. Social Networks Are Unique; Paid Advertising Performance Can Differ

The way social net­works shape up in the ways they influ­ence the pur­chase fun­nel is unique to each net­work. YouTube has a strong degree of influ­ence in com­par­i­son to oth­ers in first and last touch con­ver­sions, although Face­book and Google+ also per­form well. Fur­ther­more, the role of paid and organ­ic invest­ment on var­i­ous net­works can also dif­fer.

4. Consider How Social Fits Your Vertical

Social per­for­mance varies across ver­ti­cals, as well as by chan­nel and prod­uct cat­e­go­ry. Con­vertro’s find­ings sug­gest that social media per­forms bet­ter for con­sumer-ori­en­tat­ed retail­ers that can lever­age pow­er­ful visu­als and impulse buy­ing, with sub­scrip­tion-based ser­vices and health and beau­ty prod­ucts ben­e­fit­ting the most from social media adver­tis­ing.

5. Measure Social Media With Multi-Touch Attribution

The report pro­vides com­pelling rea­son for brands to lever­age the pow­er­ful insights pro­vid­ed by mul­ti-touch attri­bu­tion to opti­mize their adver­tis­ing activ­i­ties and bud­gets on social media.

You can down­load AOL Plat­forms’ and Con­vertro’s full report free of charge here.

Are you using social media suc­cess­ful­ly to engage con­sumers on the pur­chase fun­nel? Could brands be doing more to opti­mize social media adver­tis­ing and con­ver­sions? Share your thoughts in the com­ments.

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Pat Hong

Written by Pat Hong

Editor at Linkdex/Inked, Linkdex

Pat covers the SEO industry, digital marketing trends, and anything and everything around Linkdex. He also authors Linkdex's data analysis and reports, analysing the state of search in various industries.

Inked is published by Linkdex, the SEO platform of choice for professional marketers.

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