5 Lessons For Elevating App Marketing In 2016

2016 is poised to be a ban­ner year for app adver­tis­ing. Here are five essen­tials for brands and mar­keters to max­i­mize their invest­ment.

Kelly Wrather By Kelly Wrather from Kenshoo. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Giv­en that a report­ed 90 per­cent of a mobile user’s time is spent with­in apps, it’s no won­der mar­keters have dou­bled down on app adver­tis­ing invest­ments, with app spend­ing out­pac­ing that of mobile brows­er near­ly 3‑to‑1. These invest­ments are jus­ti­fied when data shows that almost 1 in 3 clicks on a social ad for a mobile app turn into an app install. Not only are bud­gets increas­ing, but new adver­tis­ers are also enter­ing the space as app adver­tis­ing has proven to be valu­able, bring­ing more com­pe­ti­tion to the mobile app are­na.

2016 is poised to be a ban­ner year for apps. As more brands make the invest­ment, it will be essen­tial for mar­keters to max­i­mize these efforts. Those who plan to lever­age app ads should keep the fol­low­ing five lessons in mind.

1. Invest In Installs But Optimize Toward Lifetime Value

In the world of apps, get­ting an ini­tial down­load from a user is only half the bat­tle. In fact, the jour­ney with your cus­tomer is only just begin­ning after the install as many apps go unused after the ini­tial down­load. Con­tin­ue to cast a wide net to attract new users into your brand’s app, but don’t ignore the post-con­ver­sion oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­tin­ue to grow the rela­tion­ship and build loy­al­ty. Take advan­tage of the abil­i­ty to dri­ve re-engage­ment by deep link­ing to spe­cif­ic areas or actions with­in your app. Don’t sole­ly fix­ate on cost per install met­rics; invest in mobile app mea­sure­ment tech­nol­o­gy to bet­ter account for the actions you want users to take with­in your app and opti­mize to dri­ve those results. For exam­ple, Amwell, the con­sumer brand of Amer­i­can Well, sought to dri­ve mobile app enroll­ments and online doc­tor vis­its through search mar­ket­ing while enabling onsite and in-app event track­ing. By opti­miz­ing toward both cost-per-enroll­ment and cost-per-vis­it goals, the team was able to bet­ter under­stand the life­time val­ue of enrollees and vis­i­tors.

2. Create Immersive Experiences

With com­pe­ti­tion on the mobile can­vas grow­ing, it’s increas­ing­ly impor­tant to focus on strong cre­ative and engag­ing con­tent. Video is an excel­lent option to demon­strate what your app expe­ri­ence is actu­al­ly like for the user. This is the for­mat music app devel­op­er Smule opt­ed for to dri­ve installs of its Sing! Karaoke app in cost-effec­tive yet high­ly engag­ing way. A few tips: for auto-play ads, ensure your mes­sage is clear and eas­i­ly under­stood, even with­out sound; oth­er­wise, be sure your still image is cap­ti­vat­ing and that the first few sec­onds of the video hook view­ers.

3. Understand The Nuances Between Devices, Publishers

When plan­ning your app strate­gies, remem­ber that there are lots of evolv­ing fac­tors to con­sid­er in your approach for your tar­get­ing and bid­ding. Between device plat­forms, iOS has demand­ed a pre­mi­um over Android, but over the past quar­ters, we’ve seen that gap nar­row. Ken­shoo analy­sis also showed that Android users are more like­ly to click on a mobile app ad, but once they click, iOS users are more like­ly to install an app. There’s also ver­ti­cal and coun­try to keep in mind. Gen­er­al­ly, cost per install for con­sumer apps comes in sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er than that of gam­ing. Depend­ing on the coun­tries you’re tar­get­ing, be pre­pared to spend with­in the U.S., where there’s more com­pe­ti­tion for clicks. Also, stay attuned to indus­try changes. Major pub­lish­ers are con­stant­ly recon­fig­ur­ing pric­ing mod­els and ad for­mats to bet­ter serve adver­tis­ers’ needs. Face­book, recent­ly adjust­ed their pric­ing mod­el to bet­ter define click val­ue, for exam­ple; this is like­ly to have an impact for adver­tis­ers in terms what they pay and when.

4. Diversify Your Marketing Tactics

Face­book has been a promi­nent pub­lish­er to help dri­ve app activ­i­ty for mar­keters, but new avenues of app pro­mo­tion have emerged over the past year. Test and learn new for­mats and chan­nels to main­tain your com­pet­i­tive edge and under­stand the mar­ket­ing mix that works for your brand. If you have an Android app, for exam­ple, try mon­e­tiz­ing via Search Ads for Google Play, where you can aid the dis­cov­ery of your app amidst the sea of the 1.6 mil­lion that are avail­able. There are also oppor­tu­ni­ties across Insta­gram, Yahoo Gem­i­ni, and mobile net­works to con­sid­er.

5. Provide Utility, Value

Last, but cer­tain­ly not least, under­stand that all the adver­tis­ing in the world won’t make users stick around if they don’t find some form of val­ue in your app. The key to suc­cess is to make your app a part of a consumer’s reg­u­lar mobile rou­tine and prove your worth to keep con­sumers com­ing back.

Kelly Wrather

Written by Kelly Wrather

Sr. Manager, Content Marketing, Kenshoo

Kelly Wrather is the Senior Manager of Content Marketing at Kenshoo, the global leader in predictive marketing software. Prior to joining Kenshoo, she helped launch the Accuen brand, the trading desk of Omnicom Media Group. A graduate of Boston University's College of Communication, Wrather's previous experience also spans social media and online community management.

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