Pinterest Marketing: 3 Opportunities To Grow Visibility, Engagement, Sales

Sev­en­ty per­cent of the most engag­ing Pin­ter­est Pins are prod­uct-relat­ed, and Rich Pins dri­ve 20 per­cent high­er engage­ment than stan­dard Pins.

Pat Hong By Pat Hong from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Win­ter is com­ing. And one of the chan­nels brands will be look­ing to lever­age to raise aware­ness over the hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son will be social shop­ping. Social shar­ing plat­forms such as Pin­ter­est, Polyvore, Houzz, and Wane­lo can be pow­er­ful tools to link togeth­er con­sumer pur­chase cycles, and enable con­sumers to dis­cov­er prod­ucts and ser­vices.

A new study by Dat­aPop and Ken­shoo on social com­merce has iden­ti­fied a num­ber of best prac­tices for brands to dri­ve engage­ment and increase the vis­i­bil­i­ty of their prod­ucts on social shar­ing sites such as Pin­ter­est.

The find­ings were very pos­i­tive from a brand per­spec­tive. Accord­ing to the report, social com­merce has expe­ri­enced a 60 per­cent year-on-year rise in attrib­ut­able rev­enues (poten­tial­ly even greater when fac­tor­ing the impact of social com­merce on offline sales). It explains why 42 per­cent of retail­ers are already devot­ing resource to social com­merce in what is fast becom­ing a fierce and com­pet­i­tive play­ing field for brands to get their mes­sages across.


Dat­aPop and Ken­shoo Social Com­merce Study also pro­vid­ed data on the best per­form­ing brands on social com­merce plat­forms.

The sec­ond edi­tion of the annu­al Social Com­merce Index also revealed that 70 per­cent of the most engag­ing Pins on Pin­ter­est are prod­uct-relat­ed, and that Rich Pins dri­ve 20 per­cent high­er engage­ment than stan­dard Pins.

3 Ways Marketers Can Help Drive More Sales From Pinterest

Above all, the 2014 Social Com­merce Index revealed three key Pin­ter­est mar­ket­ing find­ings use­ful for retail brands:

  1. Opti­miz­ing Pin descrip­tions with prod­uct attrib­ut­es (type, size, col­or, etc.) dra­mat­i­cal­ly boosts impres­sions: It’s well estab­lished that con­sumers use Pin­ter­est to research and be inspired. Use­ful tags to help con­sumers find con­tent and prod­ucts they are inter­est­ed as they are search­ing dra­mat­i­cal­ly boosts the num­ber of impres­sions.
  2. Prod­uct posts have the high­est lev­els of engage­ments: With more than 70 per­cent of the most engag­ing Pins on Pin­ter­est being prod­uct relat­ed, brands should feel a great deal of encour­age­ment to step up their efforts on the chan­nel. How­ev­er, make sure you con­form to the aes­thet­ics of the medi­um – the study found that prod­uct images that don’t use a plain white back­ground gen­er­ate 159 per­cent more likes and re-pins.
  3. Depth and rich­ness of con­tent dri­ves engage­ment: Rich Pins dri­ve 20 per­cent more engage­ment, how­ev­er brands aren’t yet ful­ly uti­liz­ing the fea­ture. More than 60 per­cent of over­all Pins on Pin­ter­est still aren’t employ­ing Rich Pin func­tion­al­i­ty.

Tying Together Purchase Journeys For The Winter Shopping Season

Social com­merce has proven to be fan­tas­ti­cal­ly pow­er­ful in the build­ing aware­ness and con­sid­er­a­tion stages of the con­sumer pur­chase jour­ney. It also pro­vides con­sumers with ear­ly reas­sur­ance about one’s brand and prod­ucts. With the cru­cial win­ter shop­ping sea­son ahead, it’s imper­a­tive that brands ensure they are vis­i­ble and com­ing across pos­i­tive­ly as a means of aid­ing healthy rev­enues in the bot­tom lev­els of brand pur­chase fun­nels.

As Chris­tine Bensen, SVP of Media at iCross­ing explains “social com­merce [is gain­ing] recog­ni­tion for its effec­tive­ness, [and] more and more retail­ers will rush to cap­i­tal­ize on the oppor­tu­ni­ty.”

Improving Social Commerce Analytics

As the social com­merce space con­tin­ues to become more estab­lished, it will become inevitable that addi­tion­al adver­tis­ing and organ­ic fea­tures will be imple­ment­ed by brands oper­at­ing on the plat­forms, com­ple­ment­ed by an increase in the lev­el of sophis­ti­ca­tion in ana­lyt­ics.

Pin­ter­est has already launched Pro­mot­ed Pins to help adver­tis­ers mea­sure their per­for­mance, and Polyvore and Wane­lo are also work­ing on enhanced ana­lyt­ics fea­tures for enter­prise brands.

Undoubt­ed­ly, the emerg­ing social com­merce plat­forms will be a com­pet­i­tive bat­tle­ground for brands for years to come.

You can down­load Dat­aPop and Ken­shoo full Social Com­merce Index report here.

Pat Hong

Written by Pat Hong

Editor at Linkdex/Inked, Linkdex

Pat covers the SEO industry, digital marketing trends, and anything and everything around Linkdex. He also authors Linkdex's data analysis and reports, analysing the state of search in various industries.

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