14 Fitness Brands Targeting Consumers Who Made New Year’s Resolution To Lose Weight

Plen­ty of fit­ness brands are work­ing (out) hard to hone dig­i­tal con­tent that appeals to as many con­sumers with weight loss res­o­lu­tions as pos­si­ble.

Lisa Lacy By Lisa Lacy. Join the discussion » 0 comments

It’s a famil­iar pat­tern: After gifts are exchanged and hol­i­day meals are indulged, res­o­lu­tion sea­son arrives. And, per U.S. gov­ern­ment web­site USA.gov, los­ing weight is con­sis­tent­ly among Amer­i­cans’ most pop­u­lar New Year’s res­o­lu­tions. This is not lost on fit­ness brands, which have an annu­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to cap­i­tal­ize upon this known moment. The most suc­cess­ful of these brands strive to use said moment each Jan­u­ary to make more per­son­al con­nec­tions with con­sumers.

This year, fit­ness brands are tying in video and/or mobile con­tent, includ­ing appli­ca­tions for wear­ables, which is no sur­prise as the indus­try anx­ious­ly awaits the launch of Apple Watch in ear­ly 2015 and com­pet­ing devices con­tin­ue to pep­per the land­scape. But, among fit­ness brands in par­tic­u­lar, the big themes are track­ing progress and deliv­er­ing inspi­ra­tion as they attempt to pro­vide util­i­ty and estab­lish more per­son­al con­nec­tions.

Here are 14 brands seek­ing to engage con­sumers to not only keep their res­o­lu­tions, but also to cre­ate con­tent that con­sumers actu­al­ly want. Some are also cap­i­tal­iz­ing on the pop­u­lar­i­ty of the trade show CES this week to make sure their efforts are seen by as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble.


Self-described upscale fit­ness brand Equinox recent­ly unveiled its 2015 ad cam­paign, which it says is “an evo­lu­tion of last year’s ‘Equinox Made Me Do It’ nar­ra­tive.”

Accord­ing to Equinox, the 2014 cam­paign high­light­ed “unbri­dled con­fi­dence and low­ered inhi­bi­tions as con­se­quences of a good work­out.”

This year, the cam­paign cel­e­brates the after­math of a work­out “push­ing bound­aries and dis­rupt­ing pre­con­ceived notions – in a pos­i­tive, unapolo­getic way,” the brand says.

The cam­paign includes a series of inspi­ra­tional images on Face­book, Twit­ter, and Insta­gram con­nect­ed by the theme “No to res­o­lu­tions. Yes to res­o­lu­tion,” and the hash­tag #equinox­mademe­doit.

Equinox says the images illus­trate “strong indi­vid­u­als in diverse sit­u­a­tions” and are “inspired by the idea that get­ting into great shape may get you into a lit­tle trou­ble” and are meant to “con­vey the con­fi­dence and empow­er­ment asso­ci­at­ed with adven­ture and risk-tak­ing.”

What’s more, a video asso­ci­at­ed with the cam­paign has 1.2 mil­lion views on Face­book as of Jan­u­ary 5 (ver­sus about 5,100 on YouTube).

Equinox says it chose to extend the “Equinox Made Me Do It” cam­paign to “fur­ther explore the con­se­quences of a good work­out and exam­ine the feel­ings asso­ci­at­ed.”

Car­los Becil, chief mar­ket­ing offi­cer of Equinox, said in a pre­pared state­ment:

Our mem­bers were the true inspi­ra­tion behind the Equinox Made Me Do It cam­paign, and this year we saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to evolve the nar­ra­tive and the sto­ries por­trayed. Every­thing we do at Equinox is ground­ed in the idea of high per­for­mance liv­ing, empow­er­ing our mem­bers to be bold, be risk tak­ers and push their lim­its, inside and out­side of the club. This cam­paign embod­ies that pride and the adven­tur­ous spir­it that speaks to the idea that it’s about more than just tak­ing risks, it’s about own­ing the con­se­quences.”


As the Inter­na­tion­al Con­sumer Elec­tron­ics Show, or CES, kicks off, indoor cycling brand Soul­Cy­cle is going in a slight­ly dif­fer­ent direc­tion with a Las Vegas Pop-Up at the Cos­mopoli­tan of Las Vegas from Jan­u­ary 6 to 8.

Per CES, the trade show includes more than 3,600 exhibitors and 150,000 to 160,000 atten­dees, mean­ing decent poten­tial in-per­son expo­sure.

In order to reserve a com­pli­men­ta­ry bike at one of 11 class­es dur­ing the three-day event, Soul­Cy­cle is ask­ing fans to tweet @soulcycle with the date and time of their desired class and the hash­tags #Twit­ter­Soul and #CES2015.

In addi­tion, accord­ing to reports, last year, CES was men­tioned 688,347 times via social, reach­ing 6.67 bil­lion peo­ple and the offi­cial #CES2014 hash­tag was used 256,021 times with a reach of 2.88 bil­lion, mean­ing the fit­ness brand is poten­tial­ly rop­ing itself into con­tent with many, many more eye­balls.


Nike+, a com­mu­ni­ty that says it helps its mem­bers “stay moti­vat­ed, chal­lenged and con­nect­ed,” put out a 2014 wrap-up video on Face­book with about 72,000 views. It includes 2014 stats, such as its mem­bers ran 250 mil­lion miles with Nike+ and earned 228 bil­lion Nike­Fu­el, or the met­ric that mea­sures how much mem­bers move and pro­vides “insights, moti­va­tion and oppor­tu­ni­ties to become a bet­ter ath­lete.”

The video also issues a chal­lenge to beat 2014 in 2015 and to “out­do you in 2015 with Nike+.”

In addi­tion, it directs view­ers to a microsite that allows users to select cities like New York, Chica­go, Toron­to, and Los Ange­les to find prod­ucts, events, class­es and ses­sions to help fur­ther reach those goals.

Under Armour

Ath­let­ic cloth­ing brand Under Armour is using the New Year to push its inspi­ra­tional I Will What I Want cam­paign, which it says “[cel­e­brates] the inner and out­er strength of women and high­lights the brand’s com­mit­ment to design­ing inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts for both female ath­letes and ath­let­ic females.”

In Sep­tem­ber, Under Armour announced super­mod­el Gise­le Bund­chen was join­ing the cam­paign in a 60-sec­ond video and inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence “high­light­ing her ath­leti­cism and unwa­ver­ing ded­i­ca­tion under pres­sure.”

The video, which has 2.5 mil­lion views, pulls in both pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive com­ments about Bund­chen from social media.

It’s a pret­ty pop­u­lar series. A sim­i­lar video fea­tur­ing bal­let dancer Misty Copeland has 7 mil­lion views to date.

Accord­ing to Under Armour, the relat­ed dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence “serves as a com­mu­ni­ty for women to track, ana­lyze, and share their fit­ness and ath­let­ic lifestyle” and Under Armour ambas­sadors like Bund­chen and Copeland “will active­ly par­tic­i­pate, pro­vid­ing con­sumers with unique insights into their day-to-day activ­i­ty and moti­va­tions.”

Oth­er Under Armour Women of Will ambas­sadors include down­hill ski­er Lind­sey Vonn, pro­fes­sion­al ten­nis play­er Sloane Stephens and U.S. Women’s Nation­al Soc­cer Team mem­ber Kel­ley O’Hara.

Gold’s Gym

Gym chain Gold’s Gym, which, coin­ci­den­tal­ly, is cel­e­brat­ing 50 years in 2015, part­nered with Microsoft in Octo­ber on the Microsoft Band device, which, Microsoft says, helps con­sumers “achieve [their] well­ness goals by track­ing [their] heart rate, steps, calo­rie burn, and sleep qual­i­ty,” in a pro­mo­tion­al effort for new Microsoft Band own­ers, which end­ed Decem­ber 31.

As a result of the part­ner­ship, Gold’s said Microsoft Band users would have access to cus­tomized 12-week work­out plans cre­at­ed by a pan­el of “Gold’s Gym Fit­ness Insti­tute celebri­ty train­ers” and they would have the abil­i­ty to down­load work­out plans direct­ly to the device.

These Guid­ed Work­out plans will focus on the most pop­u­lar fit­ness goals, rang­ing from build­ing mus­cles and get­ting lean to stay­ing healthy and boost­ing per­for­mance – tak­ing the guess work out of the equa­tion, and putting a vir­tu­al train­er right on your wrist,” Gold’s said in a state­ment.

The Microsoft Band will also fea­ture Gold’s Gym curat­ed work­outs, includ­ing total-body work­outs and body part-spe­cif­ic work­outs, the gym brand added.

Microsoft Band users were also eli­gi­ble for two weeks of free access to any Gold’s Gym as part of the pro­mo­tion.

Part­ner­ing with Microsoft on the Microsoft Band aligns per­fect­ly with our mis­sion at Gold’s Gym,” said Michael Cobb, chief mar­ket­ing offi­cer at Gold’s Gym, in a state­ment.  “Togeth­er, with our goal-based work­outs cre­at­ed specif­i­cal­ly for Microsoft Band, we will help peo­ple achieve their poten­tial through fit­ness.”

Planet Fitness

For its part, health club fran­chise Plan­et Fit­ness announced it was the “offi­cial fit­ness spon­sor” of Times Square’s New Year’s Eve cel­e­bra­tion. As a result, 25,000 spec­ta­tors in Times Square received brand­ed mit­tens and Plan­et Fit­ness was fea­tured on “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2015,” with show co-host Jen­ny McCarthy “lead­ing the crowd in a spe­cial Plan­et Fit­ness New Year’s Eve cheer to be fea­tured on air,” a press release said.

As a result, Plan­et Fit­ness launched a Twit­ter vot­ing cam­paign that asked con­sumers to use the hash­tag #Plan­e­tAny­thingsPos­si­ble to vote on lines to be includ­ed in the cheer, which, at the very least, inspired a series of tweets from McCarthy to her 1.3 mil­lion fol­low­ers.

In addi­tion, per reports, ABC’s “New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” had 8 mil­lion view­ers in the 8:00 hour that night, which is short­ly after the cheer began at 7:06 (i.e., this inspi­ra­tional cheer was poten­tial­ly viewed by many con­sumers).

Weight Watchers

Weight loss brand Weight Watch­ers seems to have struck a chord with its My Butt video, which has 1.2 mil­lion views on YouTube since it was post­ed Decem­ber 26. (The Face­book ver­sion has about 160,000 views.)

The video is part of the brand’s Help with the Hard Part cam­paign, which launched in Novem­ber and, per Weight Watch­ers, “[shares] the truth that los­ing weight isn’t easy, sim­ple or fun.”

The cam­paign launched with a 60-sec­ond spot, “If You’re Hap­py…,” which the brand says “illus­trates one of the hard parts of los­ing weight: Our com­plex and emo­tion­al rela­tion­ship with food.”

Weight Watch­ers says it wants to use an hon­est approach to “shift the focus from guilt and shame to a hope­ful mes­sage that we can help peo­ple with the hard parts of man­ag­ing their weight.”

Jenny Craig

To kick off 2015, weight loss pro­gram Jen­ny Craig announced spokes­woman Kirstie Alley has lost 50 pounds on the pro­gram and it is launch­ing a new cam­paign called “The Moment.”

Accord­ing to a press release, the Moment is a “real mem­ber-based cam­paign” fea­tur­ing Jen­ny Craig mem­bers shar­ing their per­son­al “ready now” moment, or “the moment they real­ized they were ready to take con­trol of their health and weight and join Jen­ny Craig.”

Jen­ny Craig says the cam­paign will be ful­ly inte­grat­ed into its dig­i­tal prop­er­ties, includ­ing social media and videos and it invites con­sumers to share their own moments with the hash­tag #The­Mo­ment.

New Balance

Instead of Vine or Insta­gram video, footwear brand New Bal­ance used Phh­ho­to, an iPhone app that allows users to “shoot instant, mov­ing pic­tures” to wish its fans/followers a hap­py New Year on var­i­ous social chan­nels.

The iPhone app, which Vogue called one of the best apps of 2014, launched last year. Phh­ho­to is not yet avail­able for Android devices.


On its blog, yoga-inspired ath­let­ic com­pa­ny Lul­ule­mon offered its fans mobile-friend­ly pho­tos with tips for work­outs that can be done any­where, like parks, beach­es, hotel rooms and on the road.

The brand says these “con­ve­nient work­outs” were “devised so that you can exer­cise any­time, any­where” and encour­aged fans to save the pho­tos on their phones for easy access.

FitBit and Jawbone

Coin­ci­den­tal­ly, activ­i­ty track­er brands Fit­Bit and Jaw­bone both blogged about New Year’s Eve.

Fit­Bit looked at what its users’ activ­i­ty lev­els look like on Decem­ber 31 bro­ken down by age while Jaw­bone looked at how late the world stays up on New Year’s Eve and used data from “hun­dreds of thou­sands of UP wear­ers who track their sleep using UP by Jaw­bone,” its activ­i­ty track­er device.

These efforts come as the mar­ket gets more crowd­ed.

On the eve of CES, for exam­ple, nav­i­ga­tion equip­ment brand Garmin announced the launch of its Vívofit 2 device, which it says adds fea­tures to its dai­ly activ­i­ty track­er and will be show­cased at the trade show.

In addi­tion to a visu­al move bar on its always-on dis­play that shows steps, calo­ries, dis­tance and time of day, Vívofit 2 fea­tures audi­ble alerts that remind users when it’s time to get up and move, the brand says. It also includes one-year bat­tery life and is water-resis­tant to 50 meters, so users rarely have to take it off, Garmin says.

An activ­i­ty timer allows users to track and ana­lyze indi­vid­ual work­outs. Dur­ing a work­out, users can pair Vívofit 2 with a com­pat­i­ble heart rate mon­i­tor to track heart rate and zone data, or use its stop­watch fea­ture to record timed activ­i­ties with or with­out a heart rate mon­i­tor, Garmin adds.

Vívofit 2 removes all obsta­cles hold­ing you back from estab­lish­ing healthy habits,” said Dan Bar­tel, Garmin vice pres­i­dent of world­wide sales, in a state­ment.

Nike and Adidas

Inter­est­ing­ly, two fit­ness pow­er brands, Nike and Adi­das, have put out videos that play on stay­ing active through­out win­ter rather than sim­ply mak­ing changes at the begin­ning of the year.

Adi­das invites con­sumers to “share cold snaps” with the hash­tag #ope­nall­win­ter, but the video has only 66,000 views to date.

By com­par­i­son, Nike instead invites con­sumers to “choose your win­ter” and has net­ted 1.3 mil­lion views for its some­what com­i­cal effort fea­tur­ing actor Chris O’Dowd.

How do you think fit­ness brands can best con­nect with and inspire con­sumers at the begin­ning of the year and beyond?

Lisa Lacy

Written by Lisa Lacy

Lisa is a senior features writer for Inked. She also previously covered digital marketing for Incisive Media. Her background includes editorial positions at Dow Jones, the Financial Times, the Huffington Post, AOL, Amazon, Hearst, Martha Stewart Living and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.

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