Marketing On Apple TV: 4 Exciting Early Insights

This is prime time to take advan­tage of Apple TV. Here are a few tips and ear­ly insights to help you for­mu­late your Apple TV mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy.

Adam Foroughi By Adam Foroughi from AppLovin. Join the discussion » 2 comments

The Apple TV is still in its ear­ly days – we don’t know all the best prac­tices for mar­ket­ing on it just yet. But the new-again plat­form is show­ing momen­tum, so now is a good time to start think­ing about your over­all strat­e­gy for it.

Here are a few tips and ear­ly insights that could help for­mu­late your mar­ket­ing plan for Apple TV.

1. Early Adopter Advantages

Ear­ly adopters are great for two rea­sons: mon­ey and word of mouth. In gen­er­al, ear­ly adopters tend to be high­er earn­ers with more dis­pos­able income. In the case of Apple, ear­ly adopters are accus­tomed to pay­ing a pre­mi­um to get things first: they spend to exper­i­ment. And study after study after study show Apple users are not just ear­ly spenders, they’re the biggest spenders over­all. Beyond being big spenders, ear­ly adopters love to be on the cut­ting edge and talk about what­ev­er new thing they’re check­ing out. This makes them the best for gen­er­at­ing word of mouth. Ear­ly adopters aren’t always easy to find, but if your busi­ness wants to tap into this eager audi­ence, now is a great time to get in front of ear­ly adopters of Apple TV who could turn into evan­ge­lists for your brand. Anoth­er bonus: Since it’s ear­ly days for all mar­keters on the tvOS plat­form, your ads will stand out more since there is less com­pe­ti­tion than on more mature plat­forms.

2. The Weekends Are Prime Time For Marketers

Ear­ly data show impres­sions on Apple TV spike an aver­age of ~100 per­cent on the week­ends. In com­par­i­son, iOS typ­i­cal­ly sees a mod­est 20 to 30 per­cent week­end jump. Stud­ies show that peo­ple love to spend more on the week­end, so this surge in week­end usage is an oppor­tu­ni­ty. Peo­ple are still fresh from the Fri­day-Pay-Day high and are more will­ing to spend. This is not only good to know for mar­keters plan­ning their ad spend but also tells us a lot about the Apple TV use-case and how it dif­fers from that of mobile plat­forms.

3. Video Ads Are A Natural Fit

With Apple TV, con­sump­tion pat­terns are dif­fer­ent than they are for smart­phones, when the aver­age smart­phone own­er picks up their phone briefly 85 times a day. We set­tle in on the couch to binge Net­flix, or we leave Pan­do­ra on for hours at a time. That changes the dynam­ic dra­mat­i­cal­ly and is the per­fect set­ting for the most effec­tive dig­i­tal ad for­mat: video. The most suc­cess­ful for­mat in mobile adver­tis­ing is video, hands down. Now, imag­ine it on steroids, for­mat­ted for big-screen TVs. Users are already accus­tomed to video ads on TV, and now adver­tis­ers will be able to not only improve mem­o­ry reten­tion and increased brand aware­ness via video ads, but track and iter­ate based on the data. And what hap­pens when the most effec­tive brand adver­tis­ing for­mat in his­to­ry (TV com­mer­cials) becomes track­able, with the capac­i­ty for direct-response? A rev­o­lu­tion.

4. Promotion Potential Over Multiple Devices

Most Apple TV ear­ly adopters are fans of all Apple prod­ucts, and they’ll typ­i­cal­ly have a sec­ond Apple device in their hands – or at least with­in easy reach – while they’re engaged with the Apple TV. This means that if your brand has an app for iOS and Apple TV, you’re essen­tial­ly dou­bling the poten­tial for expo­sure. The same is true for pub­lish­ers: offer inven­to­ry over both plat­forms that users will poten­tial­ly see simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and you’re adding val­ue for adver­tis­ers.

Adam Foroughi

Written by Adam Foroughi

CEO, Co-Founder, AppLovin

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