Going Beyond Data

Phil Pearce, Freelance PPC/SEO/Web Analyst
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Phil Pearce, Freelance PPC/SEO/Web Analyst
Martin Woods, UK SEO Consultant. (The former Head of Technical and Insight at WMG)
Jono Alderson, Head of Insight at Linkdex, examines the way your website is built and how it can directly affect rankings, traffic, and revenue.
Richard Shove, Group Organic Performance Manager at Buyagift, focusses on his personal experiences of switching to an in-house role vs working for an agency.
Colin Woon, SEO Lead – Marketing & Consumer. O2 UK, exploring how to make SEO effective in a large corporate business, focusing on how we link SEO to other business functions to deliver an overall business...
Simon Jones, Campaign Director at MEC Organic Performance focusses around setting the right objectives and KPIs to drive improvements in organic visibility.
Kirsty Hulse, head of SEO Best Practice at Linkdex, looks at how to scale an effective SEO forecasting process for SEO campaigns and projects.
Nick Wilsdon, SEO Lead Global Channel Optimisation at Vodafone, focuses on practical SEO strategies, and how brands can get results across multiple countries.