100+ Black Friday, Cyber Monday & Holiday Shopping Season 2014 Statistics

Key stats on con­sumer spend­ing and behav­ior that will impact 2014 hol­i­day mar­ket­ing strate­gies.

Danny Goodwin By Danny Goodwin from Momentology. Join the discussion » 0 comments

The hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son kicked off last year with a Black Fri­day (Novem­ber 29) that saw dig­i­tal con­sumers set a new retail spend­ing record: $1.512 bil­lion, accord­ing to com­Score. Here are the key sta­tis­tics on Black Fri­day, Cyber Mon­day, and hol­i­days from last year, and fore­casts for what we can expect for the 2014 hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son.

Thanksgiving & Black Friday


$766 mil­lion: The total amount of con­sumer ecom­merce spend­ing on Thanks­giv­ing, a 21 per­cent increase over 2012. (com­Score)

44.8 mil­lion: The total num­ber of con­sumers who shopped on Thanks­giv­ing, up 27 per­cent from 2012. (NRF)

27 per­cent of con­sumers said they shopped online on Thanks­giv­ing. (NRF)

7:25 p.m. ET: Time when online sales peaked on Thanks­giv­ing. (IBM)

$1.512 bil­lion: The total amount of dig­i­tal con­sumer spend­ing on Black Fri­day. (com­Score)

$1.198 bil­lion: The total amount of ecom­merce spend­ing by desk­top con­sumers on Black Fri­day, a 15 per­cent increase over 2012. (com­Score)

$314 mil­lion: The total amount of mobile com­merce spend­ing by con­sumers on Black Fri­day, 21 per­cent of total spend­ing. (com­Score)

$135.27: Aver­age over­all order val­ue on Black Fri­day, up 2.2 per­cent from 2012. (IBM)

$132.75: Aver­age order val­ue of tablet users on Black Fri­day – tablets drove 14.4 per­cent of all sales, 14.2 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$127.92: Aver­age order val­ue of iOS users on Black Fri­day – iOS drove 18.1 per­cent of all online sales, 28.2 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$115.63: Aver­age order val­ue of smart­phone users on Black Fri­day – smart­phones drove 7.2 per­cent of all sales; 24.9 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$105.20: Aver­age order val­ue of Android users on Black Fri­day – Android drove 3.5 per­cent of all online sales, 11.4 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$92.51: Aver­age amount spent by Black Fri­day shop­pers referred from Pin­ter­est. (IBM)

$52.30: Aver­age amount spent by Black Fri­day shop­pers referred from Face­book. (IBM)

92.1 mil­lion: The total num­ber of con­sumers who shopped on Black Fri­day. (NRF)

9:05 a.m. PT: Time when online sales peaked on Black Fri­day. (IBM)

45 per­cent: How much of their total hol­i­day shop­ping the aver­age con­sumer had com­plet­ed pri­or to Cyber Mon­day. (NRF)

2014 Forecast

$1.35 bil­lion: The total amount of con­sumer spend­ing on Thanks­giv­ing, up 27 per­cent from 2013; 31 per­cent of sales ($418 mil­lion) gen­er­at­ed via smart­phones and tablets (Adobe)

$2.48 bil­lion: The total amount of con­sumer spend­ing on Black Fri­day, up 28 per­cent from 2013; 26 per­cent of sales ($644 mil­lion) gen­er­at­ed via mobile (Adobe)

21 per­cent of hol­i­day sales will occur through Thanks­giv­ing week­end. (PwC)

21 per­cent of hol­i­day sales will occur dur­ing the week of Black Fri­day. (PwC)

45 per­cent of con­sumers plan to shop on Thanks­giv­ing. (Accen­ture)

66 per­cent of con­sumers are like­ly to shop on Black Fri­day. (Accen­ture)

37 per­cent of con­sumers plan to shop online on Black Fri­day. (Accen­ture)

Cyber Monday


$2.085 bil­lion: The total amount of dig­i­tal con­sumer spend­ing on Cyber Mon­day, mak­ing it the largest U.S. online spend­ing day of 2013. (com­Score)

$1.735 bil­lion: The total amount of ecom­merce spend­ing by desk­top con­sumers on Cyber Mon­day, up 18 per­cent vs. 2012. (com­Score)

$350 mil­lion: The total amount of mobile com­merce spend­ing by con­sumers, 17 per­cent of total spend­ing on Cyber Mon­day. (com­Score)

$128.77: Aver­age over­all order val­ue on Cyber Mon­day, down 1.1 per­cent from 2012. (IBM)

$126.30: Aver­age order val­ue of tablet users on Cyber Mon­day – tablets drove 11.7 per­cent of all sales, 11.5 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$120.29: Aver­age order val­ue of iOS users on Cyber Mon­day – iOS drove 14.5 per­cent of all online sales, 22.4 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$106.70: Aver­age order val­ue of Android users on Cyber Mon­day – Android drove 2.6 per­cent of all online sales, 9.1 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$106.49: Aver­age order val­ue of smart­phone users on Cyber Mon­day – smart­phones drove 5.5 per­cent of all sales; 19.7 per­cent of all online traf­fic. (IBM)

$97.81: Aver­age amount spent by Black Fri­day shop­pers referred from Face­book. (IBM)

$92.40: Aver­age amount spent by Black Fri­day shop­pers referred from Pin­ter­est. (IBM)

49.2 per­cent of online sales from U.S. web­sites were com­plet­ed by con­sumers at work, up 2.1 per­cent from 2012. (com­Score)

43.5 per­cent of online sales from U.S. web­sites were com­plet­ed by con­sumers at home, down 3.7 per­cent from 2012. (com­Score) What prod­ucts shop­pers bought most, by cat­e­go­ry (com­Score):

  • Con­sumer elec­tron­ics
  • Video game con­soles and acces­sories
  • Home and gar­den
  • Appar­el and acces­sories
  • Sports and fit­ness

2014 Forecast

$2.6 bil­lion: The total amount of Cyber Mon­day online sales, up 15 per­cent from 2013, mak­ing it once again the largest online sales day of the year; 20 per­cent of sales ($520 mil­lion) gen­er­at­ed via mobile. (Adobe)

32 per­cent of Cana­di­an con­sumers will pur­chase online from U.S. retail­ers on Black Fri­day and Cyber Mon­day. (UPS Cana­da)



$46.5 bil­lion: Total online retail hol­i­day spend­ing on desk­top devices, up 10 per­cent from 2012. (com­Score)

42 per­cent of spend­ing was online; 55 per­cent of spend­ing was in phys­i­cal stores (PwC).

12: The num­ber of sources of infor­ma­tion shop­pers ref­er­enced before mak­ing a pur­chase. (Google)

2014 Forecast

$61 bil­lion: Total amount of online retail spend­ing for Novem­ber and Decem­ber, up 16 per­cent from last year – $53.2 bil­lion from desk­top devices (a 14 per­cent gain from 2013) and

$7.9 bil­lion from mobile devices (a 25 per­cent increase over 2013). (com­Score)

$931.75: Total amount online shop­pers expect to spend dur­ing the hol­i­day.

$804.42: Amount the aver­age per­son cel­e­brat­ing Christ­mas, Kwan­zaa and/or Hanukkah will spend dur­ing the hol­i­day, up 5 per­cent from the actu­al amount the aver­age per­son spent in 2012, $767.27. (NRF)

$459.87: The aver­age amount con­sumers plan to spend on gifts for fam­i­ly mem­bers. (NRF)

$248: The aver­age amount con­sumers will spend online. (Nielsen)

$172.74: The aver­age amount a per­son will spend on gift cards, up from $163.16 in 2013. Con­sumers will spend $47.84 on aver­age per card; adults over age 65 will spend the most on gift cards dur­ing the hol­i­days ($204.59); depart­ment stores (37.7 per­cent), restau­rants (34 per­cent), and cof­fee shops (20.6 per­cent) are the top three most pop­u­lar gift card types among shop­pers. (NRF)

$126.68: The aver­age amount shop­pers say they will spend on them­selves dur­ing the hol­i­days. (NRF)

$80: The aver­age amount con­sumers plan to spend on gifts for friends. (NRF)

$30.43: The aver­age amount con­sumers plan to spend on gifts for pets. (NRF)

$26.23: The aver­age amount con­sumers plan to spend on gifts for co-work­ers. (NRF)

19 per­cent of con­sumers have, as of Sep­tem­ber, already spent between $100 to $500 on gift pur­chas­es.

40.4 per­cent of con­sumers planned to begin their hol­i­day shop­ping before Hal­loween – most­ly to spread out their spend­ing, as well as to avoid hol­i­day crowds and stress; 40.9 planned to begin their shop­ping in Novem­ber; and 15.5 per­cent planned to start in the first two weeks of Decem­ber. (NRF)

40 per­cent of con­sumers start shop­ping in Novem­ber; 15 per­cent start in Sep­tem­ber; 19 per­cent in Octo­ber; and 24 per­cent in Decem­ber. (PunchTab).

50 per­cent of hol­i­day sales will occur between Thanks­giv­ing and Christ­mas. (PwC)

45.6 per­cent of hol­i­day shop­pers had­n’t start­ed shop­ping as of Novem­ber 10, down from 46.2 per­cent in 2013 and “the low­est in the survey’s sev­en-year his­to­ry.” (NRF)

27 per­cent of women start­ed their hol­i­day shop­ping ear­ly, com­pared to 12 per­cent of men. (Nielsen)

8 per­cent of hol­i­day sales will take place after the hol­i­days. (PwC)

33 per­cent of Amer­i­can shop­pers who earn more than $50,000 per year will spend $978; 67 per­cent Amer­i­can shop­pers who earn less than $50,000 per year will spend $377. (PwC)

32 per­cent of house­holds plan to spend between $250 and $500 dur­ing the hol­i­days. (Nielsen)

77 per­cent of con­sumers plan to spend the same or more than last year. (PunchTab)

41 per­cent of shop­pers plan to spend more in 2014 than they did in 2013 (PwC)

17 per­cent of Mil­len­ni­als plan to spend more online this year; 15 per­cent of Gen X plan to spend more, 12 per­cent of Baby Boomers plan to spend more; and 7 per­cent of the Great­est Gen­er­a­tion plan to spend more. (Nielsen)

10 per­cent of con­sumers plan to spend more this year than they did last year, led by mul­ti­cul­tur­al house­holds will account for 43 per­cent of the pro­ject­ed extra spend­ing (17 per­cent African-Amer­i­cans; 13 per­cent Asian-Amer­i­cans; 13 per­cent His­pan­ic). (Nielsen)

56 per­cent of con­sumers plan to shop online, up from 51.5 per­cent in 2012 and “the most in the survey’s 13-year his­to­ry.” The aver­age con­sumer plans to do 44.4 per­cent of their shop­ping online, “the most since NRF first asked in 2006.” (NRF)

43 per­cent of spend­ing will be online; 50 per­cent of spend­ing will be in phys­i­cal stores. (PwC)

80 per­cent of shop­pers say coupons and dis­counts are impor­tant (in some way) to their hol­i­day shop­ping plans. (PunchTab) 84 per­cent of shop­pers say price is the biggest fac­tor in choos­ing a place to pur­chase gifts. (PwC)

43 per­cent of shop­pers say sea­son­al deals and buy one, get on free (BOGO) moti­vate pur­chas­es. (PwC)

58 per­cent of con­sumers are unde­cid­ed about buy­ing, or will pur­chase less, from the stores they bought from last year. (PunchTab)

2–4: The num­ber of stores or web­sites shop­pers will vis­it before pur­chas­ing. (PwC)

71 per­cent of shop­pers will vis­it major online retail­er web­sites. (PwC)

58 per­cent of con­sumers will shop at online-only retail­ers. (Accen­ture)

37 per­cent of peo­ple plan­ning to pur­chase toys will do their shop­ping online. (Har­ris)

71 per­cent of con­sumers plan to take part in web­room­ing – brows­ing online before going into a store to make a pur­chase. (Accen­ture)

68 per­cent of con­sumers plan to take part in show­room­ing – going to a store to see a prod­uct before buy­ing it online. (Accen­ture)

63 per­cent of shop­pers research gifts/products in-store; 46 per­cent research via online search. (SDL)

63 per­cent of con­sumers will use a desk­top com­put­er or lap­top to make pur­chas­es or assist with hol­i­day shop­ping. (Accen­ture)

51 per­cent of con­sumers plan to pur­chase toys as gifts this year; 90 per­cent of par­ents of chil­dren age 9 or younger, 88 per­cent of par­ents of chil­dren ages 10–12, and 67 per­cent of par­ents of chil­dren ages 13–17 plan to buy toys. (Har­ris)

52 per­cent of pet own­ers plan to pur­chase their pet toys, treats, or oth­er prod­ucts as hol­i­day gifts. (Har­ris) What shop­pers will spend mon­ey on, by cat­e­go­ry (PwC):

  • 61 per­cent: Cloth­ing
  • 58 per­cent: Gift cards
  • 39 per­cent: Tra­di­tion­al toys
  • 36 per­cent: Per­son­al elec­tron­ics
  • 31 per­cent: Media and enter­tain­ment

What par­ents will buy their chil­dren this year (Har­ris):

  • 50 per­cent: Chil­dren’s books
  • 47 per­cent: Games for con­soles
  • 42 per­cent: Arts and crafts sup­plies

What impacts where con­sumers decide to shop (NRF):

  • 74.7 per­cent: Sales or price dis­counts
  • 47.9 per­cent: Con­ve­nient loca­tions
  • 42.3 per­cent: Free shipping/shipping pro­mo­tions
  • 41.2 per­cent: Low prices
  • 30.3 per­cent: Help­ful, knowl­edge­able cus­tomer ser­vice
  • 25 per­cent: Easy-to-use mobile web­sites

What do shop­pers want to receive (NRF):

  • 62 per­cent: Gift cards
  • 52.5 per­cent: Cloth­ing
  • 43.1 per­cent: Books, CDs, DVDs, or video games
  • 34.6 per­cent: Elec­tron­ics
  • 24.8 per­cent: Jew­el­ry

25 per­cent of con­sumers will seek hol­i­day pur­chase assis­tance from social net­works; 40 per­cent of 18- to 34-year-olds will seek gift ideas from social media. (Adobe)

13 per­cent of con­sumers will seek hol­i­day pur­chas­ing help from social media sites. (Accen­ture)

24 per­cent of Twit­ter users plan to spend $1,000 or more over the hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son, com­pared to 10 per­cent for non-users. (Twit­ter)

85 per­cent of peo­ple ages 40–54 are most like­ly to research a prod­uct on a com­put­er. (SDL)

45 per­cent of peo­ple ages 30–39 are most like­ly to research a prod­uct on a tablet. (SDL)

42 per­cent of peo­ple ages 18–29 are most like­ly to research on a smart­phone. (SDL)

55.7 per­cent of smart­phone users plan to use their device for hol­i­day shop­ping, up from 53.8 per­cent in 2012 – 35.8 per­cent plan to research products/prices; 23.9 per­cent plan to redeem coupons; 19.1 per­cent plan to pur­chase items. (NRF)

75 per­cent of shop­pers plan to use their smart­phones in-store this hol­i­day sea­son. (Google)

75 per­cent of smart­phone own­ers plan to use their phones for some part of their gift-find­ing and buy­ing expe­ri­ence;

91 per­cent of men and 85 per­cent of woman ages 18–34 and women plan to use their smart­phones dur­ing the hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son;

86 per­cent of dads and 75 per­cent of moms will do mobile shop­ping. (Place­cast)

24 per­cent of con­sumers plan to use a smart­phone for hol­i­day shop­ping. (Accen­ture)

63.2 per­cent of tablet own­ers plan to shop for hol­i­day gifts using their device – 47.4 per­cent will research prod­ucts; 33 per­cent will pur­chase items. (NRF)

39 per­cent of smart­phone own­ers will search for an item in a search engine to find a local retail­er dur­ing the hol­i­days. (Place­cast)

90 per­cent of con­sumers expect a con­sis­tent cus­tomer expe­ri­ence across chan­nels and devices they use to inter­act with brands (SDL)

66 per­cent of shop­pers will pay more for a bet­ter cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. (SDL)

Bot­tom line: The key to win­ning con­sumer dol­lars this year will be under­stand­ing what your con­sumers want and need, and then pro­vid­ing great cus­tomer expe­ri­ences and ser­vice to shop­pers.


Did any of these sta­tis­tics sur­prise you? What are your pre­dic­tions for Black Fri­day, Cyber Mon­day, and the 2014 hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son? Tell us in the com­ments?

Danny Goodwin

Written by Danny Goodwin

Managing Editor, Momentology

Danny Goodwin is the former Managing Editor of Momentology. Previously, he was the editor of Search Engine Watch, where he was in charge of editing, content strategy, and writing about search industry news.

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