Survey Results: How important is forecasting SEO?

We spoke to SEOs in both agency and in-house roles across all lev­els of respon­si­bil­i­ty regard­ing fore­cast­ing; we want­ed to under­stand how often we’re doing it as an indus­try, how accu­rate it is and how impor­tant we think it can be for cre­at­ing a busi­ness case and...

Kirsty Hulse By Kirsty Hulse from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Last week we spoke to some SEOs in both agency and in-house roles across all lev­els of respon­si­bil­i­ty regard­ing fore­cast­ing; we want­ed to under­stand how often we’re doing it as an indus­try, how accu­rate it is and how impor­tant we think it can be for cre­at­ing a busi­ness case and get­ting the appro­pri­ate chan­nel invest­ment.

Here are the key high­lights:

Near­ly 78% of respon­dents at least some­times fore­cast their activ­i­ty and only 4% nev­er pro­vide a fore­cast


How­ev­er, 92% of SEOs asked agreed that fore­cast­ing is time con­sum­ing 


1 in 4 respond­ed that fore­cast results are not close to actu­al out­comes


68% believe that fore­cast­ing helps to pos­i­tive­ly man­age a clien­t’s expec­ta­tions and a total of 64% of SEOs asked believe that finan­cial deci­sions are affect­ed by fore­casts; either in win­ning pitch­es or increas­ing invest­ment, with slight­ly more SEOs who work in-house report­ing this to be the case.


Respon­dent Break­down
Job Type
Agency 58%
In-house 37%
Oth­er 5%

The find­ings cement­ed what we thought to be the case; that fore­cast­ing is increas­ing­ly impor­tant for win­ning pitch­es and get­ting the appro­pri­ate invest­ment for your activ­i­ty, how­ev­er it can be time con­sum­ing and is often inac­cu­rate. We’re oper­at­ing in an indus­try in which our activ­i­ty is tar­get­ed against thou­sands of var­i­ous rank­ing met­rics, against mul­ti­ple com­peti­tors and in a land­scape that is always evolv­ing; pro­vid­ing a com­plete­ly accu­rate fore­cast is an ambi­tious chal­lenge, how­ev­er we can make it eas­i­er, we can make it faster and we can con­tin­ue to get bet­ter at it and con­tin­ue to prove the mas­sive oppor­tu­ni­ties and rev­enues that invest­ing in the organ­ic space can bring.

Thank you to all those who con­tributed and helped us to con­tin­ue under­stand­ing our chan­nel and it’s experts.

Kirsty Hulse

Written by Kirsty Hulse

Head of SEO Best Practice, Linkdex

Kirsty has been working in SEO since 2009, defining search strategies for some of the world's largest brands. She is a regular speaker at industry events and a blogger for industry publications.

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