Your Mobile SEO Guide For Brands & Businesses

Every­thing brands and busi­ness­es need to know about opti­miz­ing for mobile search now.

Danny Goodwin By Danny Goodwin from Momentology. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Mobile is a pow­er­ful chan­nel for brands to con­nect with con­sumers through­out their pur­chase jour­neys. A mobile SEO strat­e­gy is a key piece of a suc­cess­ful dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing plan. Does your mobile expe­ri­ence delight con­sumers, regard­less of which device they use to find you? With Google now reward­ing sites that are mobile-friend­ly, what does it mean for your mobile SEO strat­e­gy?

A poor mobile expe­ri­ence can send poten­tial cus­tomers to your com­peti­tors. Don’t let this hap­pen – espe­cial­ly not as Google is ready to boost mobile-friend­ly sites in its search results. Intro­duc­ing Mobile SEO Now 2015. It will pro­vide you with:

  • Vital infor­ma­tion on the cur­rent stage of mobile search now, and where it’s going.
  • Mind-blow­ing mobile sta­tis­tics.
  • Amaz­ing mobile case stud­ies.
  • Knowl­edge and advice from experts and thought lead­ers in mobile.

By the time you’ve fin­ished read­ing, you’ll be ready to imple­ment strate­gies that will help your brand or busi­ness reach and influ­ence mobile con­sumers at key moments through­out their pur­chase jour­neys.

Access The Guide

Why Is Mobile SEO So Important?

Con­sid­er a consumer’s jour­ney…

Meet Jes­si­ca. She just bought her first home. One day while sit­ting on her patio, she real­izes that an out­door fire pit would be an amaz­ing addi­tion to her back yard.

The Awareness Stage

Like near­ly half of con­sumers, Jes­si­ca begins her research with a search engine (Google, in this case). She grabs her smart­phone, nav­i­gates to Google, and types in “fire pits” to get tons of ideas (fea­tures, specs, safe­ty, war­ranties, and more) and tips to con­sid­er from blog posts and buy­er guides before call­ing it a day.

This is just step one of a research process that could take Jes­si­ca days, weeks, or months to com­plete, and will span mul­ti­ple chan­nels and devices. Mobile is inte­gral dur­ing the ini­tial research stage for many con­sumers.

Replace “fire pit” with any oth­er prod­uct you sell and ask your­self: would she be able to find you in this cru­cial stage? Is she aware you sell the prod­uct and are the best option?

The Consideration Stage

Lat­er on, with some time to spare dur­ing her lunch break, she returns to Google on her smart­phone and uses voice search to search for “buy out­door wood burn­ing fire pit”. She is try­ing to decide what type of out­door fire pit is per­fect for her. With so many options, she’s over­whelmed and decides to pick this up on her lap­top lat­er that evening, where she dis­cov­ers sev­er­al brands she con­sid­ers buy­ing from.

If your brand sells fire pits (or any oth­er prod­uct), you want Jes­si­ca to con­sid­er buy­ing from you.

The Evaluation Stage

Now that Jes­si­ca has nar­rowed her search and your brand is still in the mix, it’s all about mak­ing sure there are no hur­dles that will derail a sale. She’s found you, but will she buy from you?

Not just yet. Because now she search­es for online reviews to eval­u­ate whether she’s mak­ing a smart pur­chase. The field is fur­ther nar­rowed down.

Before din­ner one evening, she gets frus­trat­ed by one painful­ly slow-load­ing site she had been con­sid­er­ing and tries anoth­er. This one is poor­ly designed and makes it too dif­fi­cult for her to eas­i­ly nav­i­gate to the out­door fire pit she wants to buy.

Poor mobile SEO and a bad mobile expe­ri­ence have ulti­mate­ly cost those com­pet­ing brands a sale.

The Purchase Stage

Late at night in bed the next evening, she grabs her smart­phone and search­es Google to com­pare prices. One brand espe­cial­ly catch­es her eye – it has a “Mobile-friend­ly” label. She also remem­bers buy­ing from this brand in the past and hav­ing a pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence. So Jes­si­ca clicks on the “Mobile-friend­ly” site.

Every­thing clicks. The mobile site is fast and easy to nav­i­gate. The con­tent is per­sua­sive and reas­sur­ing. She’s con­fi­dent in the deal she’s get­ting. She’s con­fi­dent in the brand. She’s ready to buy.

Build Loyalty

If all goes well after the sale, Jes­si­ca may just become a loy­al cus­tomer. Some 80 per­cent of peo­ple are more will­ing to rec­om­mend a brand after pos­i­tive mobile inter­ac­tions


The crit­i­cal impor­tance of mobile search as a chan­nel means that brands need to ensure that a consumer’s expe­ri­ence of the brand is noth­ing less than excep­tion­al.

Get this guide and make sure your mobile SEO is up-to-date, effec­tive, tru­ly cus­tomer-cen­tric, and ready to meet the chal­lenges and expec­ta­tions of an increas­ing­ly mobi­lized world.

Access The Guide

Is your mobile site opti­mized and pro­vid­ing mobile con­sumers with excep­tion­al expe­ri­ences?

Danny Goodwin

Written by Danny Goodwin

Managing Editor, Momentology

Danny Goodwin is the former Managing Editor of Momentology. Previously, he was the editor of Search Engine Watch, where he was in charge of editing, content strategy, and writing about search industry news.

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