Promoting YouTube Video Content With TrueView Advertising

Improve your video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy with a sol­id plan to pro­mote your con­tent.

Greg Jarboe By Greg Jarboe from SEO-PR. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Video search engine opti­miza­tion can lever­age paid adver­tis­ing in a way that web­site SEO can’t. In fact, YouTube enables you to ignite earned media with paid media. And giv­en the recent con­fir­ma­tion by a Google spokesper­son that “a stag­ger­ing 300+ hours’ worth of video con­tent is being uploaded to the site every minute,” it’s become even more imper­a­tive that you lever­age paid video adver­tis­ing to put your con­tent in front of the right audi­ence at the right time.

Anoth­er one of the sev­en ways to improve your video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is to pro­mote your organ­ic con­tent with True­View adver­tis­ing. Now, I real­ize that this sounds like a rad­i­cal idea — almost as rad­i­cal as the idea Dr. Egon Spen­gler shared with the oth­er “Ghost­busters” after Goz­er the Goz­er­ian refused to cease any and all super­nat­ur­al activ­i­ty and return forth­with to her place of ori­gin, or to the next con­ve­nient par­al­lel dimen­sion: “We’ll cross the streams.”

Senior mar­keters who read Momen­tol­ogy already know that some SEOs will promise to rank you high­ly in search engines, but place you in the adver­tis­ing sec­tion rather than in the search results. Google says, “This scam does­n’t work with Google because our adver­tis­ing is clear­ly labeled and sep­a­rat­ed from our search results, but be sure to ask any SEO you’re con­sid­er­ing which fees go toward per­ma­nent inclu­sion and which apply toward tem­po­rary adver­tis­ing.”

Giv­en the abun­dance of videos already on YouTube, it’s risky to assume that your con­tent will be organ­i­cal­ly dis­cov­ered by a large audi­ence. That’s why design­ing a sol­id plan to pro­mote your con­tent and ensure it’s viewed by your tar­get audi­ence is vital.

Going viral” plays a key role in build­ing your audi­ence on YouTube, but unless you already have mil­lions of sub­scribers, you’ll need to seed your con­tent when it launch­es. Indeed, when they don’t have an exist­ing sub­scriber base or engaged social fol­low­ing, many brands use paid adver­tis­ing on YouTube to ignite shar­ing and accel­er­ate audi­ence build­ing.

The YouTube plat­form allows you to opti­mize your invest­ment in paid media by acti­vat­ing the vir­tu­ous cir­cle that links owned media (your video con­tent), paid media (paid video adver­tis­ing), and earned media (“free” views obtained when peo­ple share the video ads).

This pro­vides you with a major ben­e­fit from adver­tis­ing on YouTube that you don’t get from Google: Earned impact. In the first half of 2014, more than 6,000 cam­paigns gen­er­at­ed at least one earned view as a result of every two paid views.

And the YouTube audi­ence isn’t shy about shar­ing brand con­tent: Two-thirds of YouTube users agree that “If there is a brand I love, I tend to tell every­one about it.” Across the globe, they are twice as like­ly to be ear­ly adopters, agree­ing that “I am among the first of my friends and col­leagues to try new prod­ucts.” They are 1.8 times more like­ly to be influ­encers, agree­ing that “peo­ple often come to me for advice before mak­ing a pur­chase.”

Indeed, hun­dreds of cam­paigns get more than two earned views per paid view. Although you don’t get that ben­e­fit with Google AdWords, you can get that ben­e­fit with Google AdWords for video, which pow­ers YouTube True­View video ads.

You want your videos to reach the audi­ence most inter­est­ed in your con­tent and there­fore the most like­ly to share it. That’s why YouTube cre­at­ed a brand-new type of video adver­tis­ing called True­View, the first ad for­mat where view­ers choose whether to view an ad. (It’s also called “skip­pable adver­tis­ing” because view­ers can skip the ad after the first five sec­onds.)

This ad for­mat ensures that you pay for adver­tis­ing only when a user watch­es the ad. It also ensures that view­ers pay more atten­tion to your ad because they’ve active­ly cho­sen to watch it. When you have a new video, con­sid­er trans­form­ing it into an ad that will be pro­mot­ed through a True­View cam­paign. This is a great way to reach audi­ences who might not nat­u­ral­ly look for your brand but could be enticed to explore your chan­nel after see­ing a com­pelling video.

For exam­ple, Orabrush used a True­View cam­paign last year to launch of Ora­pup – the first tongue clean­er to help cure bad dog breath with­out a tooth­brush. Long a source of frus­tra­tion for pet own­ers, prop­er oral care is a treat with the Ora­pup because it entices dogs to clean their own tongues. Dogs take nat­u­ral­ly to the tongue brush, which cre­ates an enjoy­able bond­ing expe­ri­ence between a dog and its own­er.

To bring the cat­e­go­ry-cre­at­ing Ora­pup to mar­ket more quick­ly, Orabrush launched a crowd­fund­ing cam­paign and has been accept­ing pre­orders for the dog breath brush since August 2012. The com­pa­ny reap­plied its proven “reverse mar­ket­ing mod­el” on YouTube to suc­cess­ful­ly expand its oral care line to ben­e­fit pet own­ers every­where. In just six months, the Ora­pup YouTube chan­nel has amassed more than 4 mil­lion views, which is on par with well-estab­lished pet brands such as IAMS, Pedi­gree and Puri­na. Fol­low­ing the Orabrush tongue clean­er and Orabrush tongue foam, Ora­pup con­tin­ues Orabrush’s tra­di­tion as a new media e‑commerce brand builder.

In a pre­sen­ta­tion at the Video Com­merce Sum­mit on July 26, 2013, Abe Nieder­hauser of Orabrush showed a slide of Ora­pup dai­ly rev­enue and ad spend. The com­pa­ny test­ed pro­mo­tion of a series of YouTube videos until it found the for­mu­la that end­ed up gen­er­at­ing 75,924 Ora­pup orders worth $2,124,679.00.

So, even though you’ve heard that cross­ing the streams is bad, pro­mot­ing your organ­ic con­tent with True­View adver­tis­ing is anoth­er way to improve your video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. As Dr. Peter Venkman told the oth­er Ghost­busters, “I love this, I love this plan! I’m excit­ed to be a part of it. Let’s do it!”

Does your video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy include pro­mot­ing your organ­ic con­tent with True­View adver­tis­ing? What results have you seen?

Greg Jarboe

Written by Greg Jarboe

President, SEO-PR

Greg Jarboe is President and co-founder of SEO-PR, an award-winning content marketing agency that was founded in 2003. He’s the author of YouTube and Video Marketing and also a contributor to The Art of SEO, Strategic Digital Marketing, Complete B2B Online Marketing, and Enchantment. He’s profiled in the book Online Marketing Heroes, a frequent speaker at industry conferences, and writes for Tubular Insights and The SEM Post. He’s an executive education instructor at the Rutgers Business School and the Video and Content Marketing faculty chair at Simplilearn.

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