Mobile Marketing Done Right: 2 Masterful Case Studies

How Hin­dus­tan Unilever and Sony mar­ry inno­v­a­tive mobile strate­gies with flaw­less exe­cu­tion.

Greg Jarboe By Greg Jarboe from SEO-PR. Join the discussion » 0 comments

With 519 mobile mar­ket­ing cam­paign case stud­ies to review, the Mobile Mar­ket­ing Asso­ci­a­tion (MMA) is one of the best resources for senior mar­keters who want to be vis­i­ble and per­sua­sive in the moments that real­ly mat­ter. For exam­ple, two award-win­ning case stud­ies from Hin­dus­tan Unilever and Sony Elec­tron­ics mas­ter­ful­ly demon­strate the impor­tance of a strong cus­tomer-cen­tric focus, an inno­v­a­tive mobile strat­e­gy, as well as flaw­less cam­paign exe­cu­tion to gen­er­ate mea­sur­able results.

Hindustan Unilever’s Kan Khajura Tesan Campaign


  • Objec­tives: With con­sumers in key regions of rur­al India lack­ing access to tele­vi­sion and unin­ter­rupt­ed elec­tric­i­ty, Hin­dus­tan Unilever need­ed to get cre­ative to earn more share of voice.
  • Strat­e­gy: Unilever launched a mobile enter­tain­ment chan­nel acces­si­ble through a toll-free num­ber that offered music, movie news, and ads for select prod­ucts.
  • Results: In just six months, the radio chan­nel gained more than 8 mil­lion sub­scribers and increased key brands’ aware­ness met­rics in mar­ket.

Case Study Details

Hin­dus­tan Unilever want­ed to reach the rur­al audi­ence in the regions of Bihar and Jhark­hand. With a com­bined pop­u­la­tion of more than 137 mil­lion, these areas were key tar­gets to increase share of voice for select Unilever brands. The chal­lenge would be infra­struc­ture; Unilever want­ed to reach an audi­ence that is plagued by dai­ly pow­er dis­rup­tions in a land­scape where tra­di­tion­al media only reach­es 20 per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion.

Unilever real­ized that 86 per­cent of its tar­get com­mu­ni­ty pop­u­la­tion owned a mobile phone – near­ly 300 per­cent the num­ber who owned a tele­vi­sion. Mobile phones in Hin­dus­tan Unilever’s tar­get regions served as the population’s main source of music and enter­tain­ment. The prac­tice of pre­serv­ing talk time on mobile was also impor­tant to this mar­ket.

Unilever decid­ed to cre­ate its own media chan­nel for mobile. Trans­lat­ed as “the Ear­worm Chan­nel,” Kan Kha­ju­ra Tesan (KKT) was launched as a dial-in mobile radio chan­nel offer­ing free on-demand enter­tain­ment. The chan­nel offered jokes, music, and the lat­est Bol­ly­wood con­tent all inter­spersed with radio adver­tise­ments for Unilever’s mass con­sumer brands.

Mobile reach was stronger than television’s in the tar­get mar­ket, so the cam­paign focused on mobile.

Unilever’s new mobile enter­tain­ment chan­nel was designed to inte­grate some of the company’s biggest brands into con­sumers’ lives. To launch the media-first enter­tain­ment por­tal in India, Unilever brought mobile oper­a­tors and con­tent providers togeth­er. The KKT chan­nel was pilot­ed in Bihar, the heart of the rur­al belt, with the intent to grow and spread to more rur­al areas.

To intro­duce the KKT sta­tion, Unilever invit­ed local audi­ences to give its hot­line num­ber a missed call based on the com­mon local prac­tice of dial­ing and hang­ing up to pre­serve talk time. When a user made the missed call to the toll-free

Unilever cre­at­ed the largest media chan­nel in its tar­get regions, all for just $0.04 (U.S.) per con­tact. With­in six months of the KKT launch, Unilever amassed more than 8 mil­lion sub­scribers. As of March 2014, the chan­nel had 12 mil­lion sub­scribers and had served more than 103 mil­lion ad impres­sions. The con­sumer base is grow­ing at an aver­age of 35,000 per day, and the project even­tu­al­ly aims to reach 20 mil­lion house­holds (equiv­a­lent to 50 mil­lion mobile num­bers).

KKT’s con­tent has been a hit, with a total usage of 125 mil­lion min­utes as of March 2014. Adver­tise­ments for Unilever’s three tar­get­ed brands have been heard more than 20 mil­lion times, lead­ing to the fol­low­ing gains in spon­ta­neous aware­ness:

  • Pond’s White Beau­ty gained 56 per­cent.
  • Close Up gained 39 per­cent.
  • Wheel gained 20 per­cent.

Case Study: Sony Electronics’ 4K Ultra HD TV Launch


  • Objec­tives: Build aware­ness, then edu­cate and ener­gize con­sumers.
  • Strat­e­gy: Know­ing that an over­whelm­ing num­ber of con­sumers first search Ama­zon before pur­chas­ing an elec­tron­ics prod­uct, Sony tapped user reviews and inte­grat­ed them into its dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing. A cross-screen exe­cu­tion explained the new Sony 4K Ultra TV prod­uct to con­sumers to spark desire and pur­chase intent.
  • Results: More than 40 mil­lion unique shop­pers reached.

Case Study Details

To launch its new 4K Ultra High Def­i­n­i­tion TV, Sony’s strate­gic objec­tives were to:

  • Build aware­ness and desire for the new, pre­mi­um prod­uct line
  • Edu­cate con­sumers about 4K and Sony’s 4K tech­nol­o­gy
  • Ener­gize con­sumers to talk about Sony 4K TVs

On aver­age, elec­tron­ics shop­pers read 11 reviews before mak­ing pur­chas­es. Not all reviews are equal – 84 per­cent of elec­tron­ics shop­pers trust con­sumer reviews on the most (more than pro­fes­sion­al reviews). Thir­ty per­cent of online buy­ers start­ed research­ing their last online pur­chase on Ama­zon ver­sus 13 per­cent that start­ed via search engines.

Mar­keters con­ven­tion­al­ly have only used ecom­merce as a sales chan­nel. Based on what the above insights revealed, the brand’s ecom­merce approach was rede­fined. It was used to launch 4K TVs where elec­tron­ic shop­pers’ jour­neys start by cre­at­ing an expe­ri­ence to spark desire and inspire prod­uct advo­cates.

The tar­get audi­ence was afflu­ent con­sumer elec­tron­ics shop­pers nation­wide.

Sony’s visu­al­ly stun­ning cre­ative was adapt­ed to pro­vide Ama­zon cus­tomers an immer­sive show­room-like expe­ri­ence with the Sony 4K TV’s cin­e­mat­ic clar­i­ty and sound. Ama­zon acti­vat­ed the expe­ri­ence through Kin­dle Fire, mobile expand­able rich media, first-ever cus­tom video spot­light takeovers of’s home­page, and an 4K edu­ca­tion­al sec­tion fea­tur­ing Sony place­ments only.

The cross-screen exe­cu­tion explained the nev­er-before-seen prod­uct, spark­ing desire and pur­chase intent. The brand believed that if cus­tomers pur­chased a Sony 4K TV, they might vol­un­tar­i­ly write reviews that also explained it, per­pet­u­at­ing desire in oth­er elec­tron­ics shop­pers, who trust Ama­zon cus­tomer reviews the most. When the pre­dic­tion proved true, the brand used cus­tomer review ads, which inte­grat­ed cus­tomer reviews direct­ly into its ad units across Amazon’s mobile, tablet, and desk­top chan­nels.

Sony was the first to launch 4K Ultra High Def­i­n­i­tion TV, which pro­vides four times the res­o­lu­tion of reg­u­lar HD.

The Sony 4K TV cam­paign achieved its aware­ness goal, reach­ing more than 40 mil­lion unique shop­pers. Also, it effec­tive­ly edu­cat­ed shop­pers, cre­at­ed advo­cates, and drove desire. Cus­tomers were:

  • 310 per­cent more like­ly to research Sony 4K TVs on
  • 260 per­cent more like­ly to add Sony 4K TVs to their Ama­zon wish lists.
  • 240 per­cent more like­ly to add Sony 4K TVs to their Ama­zon shop­ping carts.

What are some of your favorite inspir­ing exam­ples of con­sumer-cen­tric mobile mar­ket­ing done right?


Greg Jarboe

Written by Greg Jarboe

President, SEO-PR

Greg Jarboe is President and co-founder of SEO-PR, an award-winning content marketing agency that was founded in 2003. He’s the author of YouTube and Video Marketing and also a contributor to The Art of SEO, Strategic Digital Marketing, Complete B2B Online Marketing, and Enchantment. He’s profiled in the book Online Marketing Heroes, a frequent speaker at industry conferences, and writes for Tubular Insights and The SEM Post. He’s an executive education instructor at the Rutgers Business School and the Video and Content Marketing faculty chair at Simplilearn.

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