Video SEO Strategy: 10 Keys To Grow Your Brand Visibility

You can make small tweaks to your video strat­e­gy right now to increase the vis­i­bil­i­ty of your brand’s videos. Here are 10 ways to start now.

Danny Goodwin By Danny Goodwin from Momentology. Join the discussion » 0 comments

It may seem like a big job, but you can make small tweaks to your video strat­e­gy right now to increase the vis­i­bil­i­ty of your brand’s videos. Let’s look at 10 ways how.

U.S. adults spent 5.5 hours per day con­sum­ing dig­i­tal video in 2015, accord­ing to eMar­keter. We know that plat­forms like YouTube host more than a bil­lion users all over the world, and with the kind of enter­tain­ment and edu­ca­tion on-demand video pro­vides, these are impor­tant moments that mat­ter to con­sumers. Video micro-moments

Your Overall Video Strategy

Your video strat­e­gy should take into con­sid­er­a­tion YouTube (the sec­ond largest search engine next to Google), Google Videos (which Google touts as the largest video search prop­er­ty on the Web), and the Uni­ver­sal Search results. Some videos are appro­pri­ate for your web­site and some are bet­ter for YouTube. Often­times, that has to do with the intent of the video (an infor­ma­tion­al prod­uct video on your site ver­sus an inspi­ra­tional video on YouTube) and where your con­sumer is in their deci­sion-mak­ing jour­ney. Videos on your web­site can show up in the Google search results as can your videos from YouTube. Get clear on your strat­e­gy, and use a mix of video on both chan­nels when appro­pri­ate.

Get More Visibility On Your Website

1. Avoid Complex JavaScript or Flash

Con­fig­ure the pages that fea­ture your videos in a search-friend­ly way. Both Flash and com­plex JavaScript can hin­der the search engines from dis­play­ing your videos in the search results.

2. Create a Standalone Page for Each Video

While you may have one land­ing page for all your video con­tent, each indi­vid­ual video should open on a stand­alone page so you can opti­mize for that con­tent like you would any oth­er page.

3. On-Page Optimization

A video on its own has lit­tle text asso­ci­at­ed with it, and text is what helps Google bet­ter under­stand what the video con­tent is about. Cre­ate orig­i­nal meta infor­ma­tion for the page the video is fea­tured on, and upload and for­mat the video tran­script to dis­play on the page under­neath the video – and voila! Ins­ta-arti­cle.

4. Schema Markup

Google rec­om­mends using markup on videos for a greater chance of index­ing. The three attrib­ut­es it needs at min­i­mum are title, descrip­tion, and thumb­nail. Make sure the thumb­nail asso­ci­at­ed with your video is good qual­i­ty, too. And that the titles and descrip­tions are unique to each video.

5. Create a Video Sitemap

A video Sitemap can fur­ther Google’s under­stand­ing of what the con­tent is about, thus improv­ing the video’s chance to be shown in the search results. Google gives more guide­lines on its uses here, and sug­gests that along with the Schema markup, the two deliv­er all the infor­ma­tion need­ed for a bet­ter chance of vis­i­bil­i­ty. A com­mon sce­nario, Google says, for using both is to “use on-page markup for all of your videos and a video sitemap to tell Google about any new, time-sen­si­tive, or hard to find videos.”

6. Spot Check: robots.txt

Make sure your robots.txt file does­n’t block any of the video resources Google needs to index the video, includ­ing the page the video is on, the video, or any required markup.

Get More Visibility On YouTube

1. Optimization

Video titles, descrip­tions, and the tags you use to describe the video are impor­tant. Make sure they are entic­ing and use the key search terms you’re after. You can also include any rel­e­vant links to your web­site with in the descrip­tion.

2. Transcripts

Tran­scripts lend even more con­text to the video, let your view­ers scroll through the video con­tent quick­ly, and even assist the hear­ing impaired to access your con­tent. (Cap­tions also avail­able, here.)

3. Engagement

Watch time is an extreme­ly impor­tant met­ric in the YouTube algo­rithm, with YouTube point­ing out that the “algo­rithm for sug­gest­ing videos includes pri­or­i­tiz­ing videos that lead to a longer over­all view­ing ses­sion over those that receive more clicks.” Think about the dif­fer­ent ways you can increase watch time on your videos by check­ing out the infor­ma­tion here.

4. Trends

Know­ing what’s hot right now and becom­ing a rel­e­vant part of that con­ver­sa­tion (if it’s brand appro­pri­ate) can poten­tial­ly give you a boost in vis­i­bil­i­ty. Google real-time trends launched in 2015 and includes YouTube data. Poke around and see what’s hap­pen­ing in your world.

Danny Goodwin

Written by Danny Goodwin

Managing Editor, Momentology

Danny Goodwin is the former Managing Editor of Momentology. Previously, he was the editor of Search Engine Watch, where he was in charge of editing, content strategy, and writing about search industry news.

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