Get Set, Go Argos! British Retailer Embraces New Digital Strategy

Argo’s dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion includes a new iden­ti­ty, web­site, and mobile apps. The retail­er wants peo­ple to think and feel dif­fer­ent­ly about the brand.

Pat Hong By Pat Hong from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Argos have launched a cross-chan­nel dig­i­tal cam­paign designed to raise aware­ness of the brand’s dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion that has tak­en place in recent years. The retail­er has pio­neered a new con­cept store, and is show­ing such great inno­va­tion that even the biggest play­ers in ecom­merce are tak­ing notes.

Among Brits, Argos have always main­tained a unique brand iden­ti­ty. Ever present (it’s esti­mat­ed that 96 per­cent of the UK pop­u­la­tion is with­in 10 miles of an Argos store), and offer­ing a unique in-store expe­ri­ence as a cat­a­log mer­chant, the brand has always main­tained a strong iden­ti­ty based around prod­uct avail­abil­i­ty, val­ue, and deliv­ery effi­cien­cy. It means that Argos have always had to do things slight­ly dif­fer­ent­ly. In 2012 the brand “dragged itself into the 21st cen­tu­ry” by ini­ti­at­ing a dig­i­tal over­haul that saw the clo­sure of 75 stores, and the realign­ment of the busi­ness toward dig­i­tal rev­enue streams. The busi­ness was to be no less present to con­sumers, but the idea was that they could be there online, in the search engine and oth­er dig­i­tal chan­nels, sav­ing con­sumers both a trip to the store and the tedious task of leaf­ing through lam­i­nat­ed cat­a­logs for a quar­ter on an hour.

Get Set, Go Argos

Today the British retail­er extend­ed their dig­i­tal strat­e­gy one step fur­ther. The new “Get set, go Argos” cam­paign, led by a fea­ture TV spot fea­tur­ing break­dancers, stunts, and some snazzy edit­ing, has been hailed by the brand as a sign of their dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion. The advert will also be screened in UK cin­e­mas, a first ven­ture into cin­e­ma adver­tis­ing for the brand.

Stephen Vowles, Argos’ mar­ket­ing direc­tor, told Mar­ket­ing Week:

We want peo­ple to think and feel dif­fer­ent­ly about the Argos brand. The dis­tinc­tive space we want to own is more heart­beats, rather than heart­strings. Lots of retail­ers do ads that make you go ‘aaaaa’. We do need an emo­tion­al con­nec­tion but that is prob­a­bly not Argos’ ter­ri­to­ry, our ter­ri­to­ry is about the excite­ment, the speed of get­ting the prod­ucts you want.”

The cam­paign will also see the brand updat­ing their web­site and mobile apps to match their new brand iden­ti­ty, as well as staff uni­forms, tills, inshore decor, deliv­ery trucks, and car­ri­er bags. A true dig­i­tal makeover. Vowles explained that the pur­pose of the cam­paign was to raise aware­ness among con­sumers of how much the brand has changed in recent years, phas­ing out the tra­di­tion­al cat­a­log-based busi­ness mod­el and replac­ing it with a cus­tomer-cen­tric dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence. Out with the cat­a­logs, order slips, and blue pens. In with the iPads, click and col­lect, and stock­ing of high-end pre­mi­um brands.

Free Tablets, Building Connections

In a par­al­lel move to the “Get Set, Go Argos” cam­paign, the brand also announced a series of dig­i­tal work­shops that will take place across all 120 of it’s UK stores. Kick­ing off at the end of Octo­ber, up to 10,000 peo­ple will be giv­en a free tablet and a year of broad­band sub­scrip­tion, to help users con­nect, and devel­op their dig­i­tal skills. Con­nect­ing the dis­con­nect­ed, the cam­paign will undoubt­ed­ly reach more than those present in the work­shops them­selves, in appre­ci­a­tion of the brands dig­i­tal respon­si­bil­i­ty and com­mu­ni­ty work.

Store Of The Future

Argos’ dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion is per­haps best encap­su­lat­ed by the brand’s stores. The brand recent­ly opened a con­cept store in Old Street, Lon­don, which mod­ernises the in-store expe­ri­ence, inte­grat­ing it with online shop­ping orders via Fast­Track ser­vices and Click and Col­lect. Argos Old Street store It all falls into Argos’ wider strat­e­gy of com­mu­ni­cat­ing the change and response of the brand to devel­op­ing dig­i­tal needs. For while some con­sumers, main­ly those who live near a dig­i­tal store, are aware of the brand’s new makeover, oth­ers have not yet been reached. Vowles explained that the cur­rent cam­paign is aimed at get­ting “35 per­cent of UK house­holds that don’t cur­rent­ly shop at the retail­er to reap­praise the brand.”

Argos vs. Amazon?

Argos’ lat­est moves have got a lot of ears twitch­ing in the indus­try. The brands dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion means its now pos­si­ble for con­sumer to do their shop­ping online or in-store, and pick up their goods on the same day rather than wait­ing for a deliv­ery. The speed and con­ve­nience of what Click and Col­lect offers makes for a great cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. It isn’t often that the great giant in ecom­merce, Ama­zon, is beat­en to new inno­va­tions, but it seems that the two retail­ers will soon be com­pet­ing for the same “Click and Col­lect” ter­ri­to­ry, with cus­tomers pre­fer­ring to pick up their goods in-store espe­cial­ly when buy­ing high-order goods. Ama­zon have been devel­op­ing plans to open phys­i­cal stores for some time now, and unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly, they have been some­what slow to move. Although the two are trav­el­ing toward inte­grat­ed dig­i­tal stores from dif­fer­ent direc­tions, in this case a small British brand has man­aged to beat a Sil­i­con Val­ley giant to the punch.

Pat Hong

Written by Pat Hong

Editor at Linkdex/Inked, Linkdex

Pat covers the SEO industry, digital marketing trends, and anything and everything around Linkdex. He also authors Linkdex's data analysis and reports, analysing the state of search in various industries.

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