Gap Hopes To Mesmerize Consumers With Instagram Micro-Series

The Gap’s 12-part 15-sec­ond micro-series seeks to max­i­mize the sto­ry­telling and engage­ment poten­tial of audi­ences on Insta­gram.

Pat Hong By Pat Hong from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Gap has launched a micro-series on Insta­gram, a planned 12-part series of 15-sec­ond videos that make use of new fea­tures intro­duced to the plat­form last week – a change that enabled con­tin­u­ous­ly loop­ing (‘Vine-esque’) videos as users browse the site. The micro-series seeks to max­i­mize the sto­ry­telling and engage­ment poten­tial of audi­ences on Insta­gram, and serves as an ear­ly exam­ple of a brand seiz­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reach con­sumers via the odd­ly mes­mer­iz­ing new for­mat.

At the end of last year, the num­ber of month­ly users on Insta­gram reached 300 mil­lion, sur­pass­ing the report­ed 284 mil­lion on Twit­ter, and affirm­ing the plat­for­m’s place as a cru­cial plat­form for brands to be present, vis­i­ble, and per­sua­sive to con­sumers.

The plat­form has quick­ly become a pri­or­i­ty for sev­er­al con­sumer-fac­ing brands. Mar­keters are find­ing new and inno­v­a­tive ways to reach and engage users using the net­work. Last week’s roll­out of auto-loop ads is already been seized by brands, most notably by Gap, which has cre­at­ed a micro-series that hopes to max­i­mize the mar­ket­ing poten­tial of the medi­um.

The ads, fea­tur­ing Jen­ny Slate and Paul Dano, detail a bud­ding romance encap­su­lat­ed into blink-and-you’ll-miss-it snap­shots that for­mu­late clever self-enclosed loops. The videos are a brave endeav­or by a brand to pro­duce tru­ly dig­i­tal con­tent – every­one knows how pop­u­lar and hyp­no­tiz­ing Vines and GIFs can be, and the videos rep­re­sent a for­mat that encap­su­lates the speed, inven­tive­ness, and inge­nu­ity of the Inter­net.

Gap pro­duced its con­tent with dig­i­tal dis­tri­b­u­tion explic­it­ly in mind, as Gap explained:

“The films build on Gap’s recent his­to­ry of part­ner­ing with acclaimed direc­tors to tell sto­ries that will relate to cus­tomers’ lives. After cre­at­ing more tra­di­tion­al, broad­cast com­mer­cials with David Finch­er and Sofia Cop­po­la last year, the brand has part­nered this sea­son with ‘mav­er­ick’ direc­tors The Daniels to cre­ate a pur­pose-built sto­ry for Insta­gram. …the Micro-Series tracks the bur­geon­ing romance between the love struck duo of Slate and Dano, as they nav­i­gate chance encoun­ters, first dates and moody Spring weath­er in the hope of find­ing their per­fect fit. As they grap­ple with what is real and what is dig­i­tal ‘con­tent,’ they begin to sus­pect that their lives may not be theirs alone. View­ers will need to stay tuned as each short film is released over the sea­son to see the sto­ry unfold.”

Gap is hop­ing that the affin­i­ty users have with the micro-video for­mat will appeal to con­sumer demands for quick and enter­tain­ing con­tent.

The nature of the videos is that you get some­thing dif­fer­ent every time you play them,” said Tri­cia Nichols, Gap’s glob­al leader of con­sumer engage­ment, media strat­e­gy, and brand part­ner­ships. “The sto­ry twists and turns, and there are lit­tle East­er eggs. So it’s the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for video loops.”

In addi­tion to Insta­gram, #springisweird will also be dis­trib­uted on dat­ing web­sites and apps. A com­pan­ion social media pro­mo­tion called #APer­fect­Fit will offer view­ers rewards and incen­tives for try­ing on the new form-fit­ting Res­o­lu­tion Den­im jeans fea­tured in the Micro-Series.

Other Brands Loving The Loops

Gap isn’t the only brand that has moved quick­ly to grasp video oppor­tu­ni­ties on Insta­gram. GoPro released this stun­ning video of skis hit­ting snow in slow motion:

Mean­while, the NBA has found a fan­tas­tic way to show key high­lights of sweet plays:

@hassanwhiteside, mak­ing @miamiheat his­to­ry night­ly! A video post­ed by NBA (@nba) on

Finding Value On Instagram

Con­nect­ing with engaged con­sumers where and when they are, using cut­ting-edge for­mats, is a pos­i­tive move for brands such as Gap and GoPro. Retail brand Nord­strom has already learned to inte­grate Insta­gram with its over­all strat­e­gy to pro­vide con­sumers with what it calls a “seam­less shop­ping expe­ri­ence.”

It was last year that Insta­gram announced they would roll out video adver­tise­ments. Ear­ly adopters includ­ed Dis­ney, Activi­sion, Lan­come, and Banana Repub­lic.

Con­sid­er­ing some pop­u­lar apps began demand­ing huge adver­tis­ing rev­enues, such as Snapchat’s $750,000 ask­ing price for just one day of dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing space, Insta­gram’s auto-loop ads pro­vide brands with a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve con­tent to con­sumers on the plat­form organ­i­cal­ly, in a pop­u­lar, mod­ern for­mat.

Pat Hong

Written by Pat Hong

Editor at Linkdex/Inked, Linkdex

Pat covers the SEO industry, digital marketing trends, and anything and everything around Linkdex. He also authors Linkdex's data analysis and reports, analysing the state of search in various industries.

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