Creating Healthy Content for Your Audiences

Cre­at­ing healthy con­tent for your audi­ence seg­ments doesn’t have to be dif­fi­cult. All it takes is using your exist­ing resources and find­ing cre­ative ways to max­i­mize the con­tent and experts your com­pa­ny already has. Not only does it bring the poten­tial of...

Victoria Edwards By Victoria Edwards from Florida Blue. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Cre­at­ing healthy con­tent for your audi­ence seg­ments doesn’t have to be dif­fi­cult. All it takes is using your exist­ing resources and find­ing cre­ative ways to max­i­mize the con­tent and experts your com­pa­ny already has. Not only does it bring the poten­tial of increas­ing traf­fic and read­er­ship, but more impor­tant­ly, it helps con­sumers view you as an indus­try thought leader.

Health care con­tent mar­ket­ing can be extreme­ly chal­leng­ing.

With so many rules and reg­u­la­tions that need to be fol­lowed from a dig­i­tal per­spec­tive, it can be dif­fi­cult at times to find the right bal­ance between con­tent that engages and edu­cates your audi­ence, but also fol­lows the high lev­el of stan­dards that we need to adhere to in the health care indus­try.

Anoth­er chal­lenge in health care is that your audi­ence isn’t just con­sumers. You must also con­sid­er mem­bers, providers, agents, and employ­ers.

What fol­lows are some insights from ini­tia­tives I devel­oped as the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strate­gist for Flori­da Blue, which is part of Florida’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield sys­tem. Here’s how the company’s blog put the focus on edu­cat­ing and engag­ing read­ers, while also appeal­ing to our diverse audi­ences.

Repurpose Existing Content

Repur­pos­ing con­tent is extreme­ly impor­tant. This could come in the form of:

  • Find­ing con­tent that already exists in one for­mat and then trans­form­ing it into anoth­er.
  • Tak­ing an idea or ideas out of one piece of con­tent and build­ing those ideas out fur­ther to cre­ate anoth­er blog, pre­sen­ta­tion, info­graph­ic, and so on.

For exam­ple, Flori­da Blue shares a vari­ety of con­tent (e.g., let­ters, emails, newslet­ters, PDFs) with its var­i­ous audi­ence seg­ments. The con­tent top­ic varies from inform­ing indi­vid­u­als about updates regard­ing health care reform, to open enroll­ment, to pro­vid­ing edu­ca­tion­al con­tent focused on health and well­ness.

We know our audi­ence finds this con­tent inter­est­ing and infor­ma­tive. Most impor­tant­ly, this con­tent has been cre­at­ed by our sub­ject mat­ter experts and has gone through our review process, so it’s all ready for prime­time.

There are sev­er­al ben­e­fits of repur­pos­ing already exist­ing con­tent and plac­ing it onto a blog. It:

  • Extends the invest­ment that was orig­i­nal­ly put into its cre­ation, thus improv­ing the ROI.
  • Pro­vides a dig­i­tal foot­print of con­tent that has yet to exist online.
  • Gives your blog more con­tent. More pages on your site means more oppor­tu­ni­ty for your site to get more pages indexed in search engines and found by peo­ple who are look­ing for author­i­ta­tive top­ic experts.
  • Aids in key­word rank­ing as the con­tent usu­al­ly con­tains words and phras­es that you’re try­ing to tar­get, whether it’s long-tail brand or non-brand terms.

Repur­pos­ing not only can help build out excel­lent con­tent on your company’s blog, but reach addi­tion­al peo­ple with great con­tent that’s ready to go!

Not All Content Is Meant To Convert

Dig­i­tal con­tent comes in sev­er­al fla­vors. While lead gen­er­a­tion and con­ver­sion is an impor­tant part of your mar­ket­ing efforts, it shouldn’t be the only main focus because not all con­sumers at the same stage of the deci­sion jour­ney.

Con­tent should be intent-based, inter­est-based, or infor­ma­tion-based, but doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly have to be all three things at the same time. What it should be all the time is appeal­ing to your audi­ence seg­ments – and if the con­tent doesn’t tar­get any one of them, then there’s lit­tle need for it on your site.

Intent-Based Content

This con­tent is cre­at­ed so your audi­ence seg­ment to take action, whether it’s fill­ing out a form, down­load­ing an app, sign­ing up for a newslet­ter, or mak­ing them aware of a con­test. Con­tent should always have a spe­cif­ic pur­pose and calls to action to tell your read­er what to do. For exam­ple:

  • We want­ed to increase aware­ness to our dig­i­tal newslet­ter. So in addi­tion to mak­ing sure our mem­bers were aware of the lat­est edi­tion, we want­ed to share with the mass­es because the con­tent was appeal­ing to many. One easy way to accom­plish this: cre­ate a brief blog post about the newslet­ter and then pro­mot­ed the blog post social­ly via Face­book, Twit­ter, and LinkedIn.
  • We want­ed to increase aware­ness about our new mobile app expe­ri­ence fol­low­ing a sig­nif­i­cant update. To let peo­ple know they should down­load the app, we pub­lished a blog titled “New Look and Feel – Flori­da Blue Mobile App”.

Interest-Based Content

This type of con­tent is usu­al­ly focused on a spe­cif­ic audi­ence or per­sona that usu­al­ly dis­cuss­es a focus top­ic. One way we are doing this is with our pod­cast and blog series, sole­ly tar­get­ed to our providers.

  • Flori­da Blue ICD-10 Pod­casts & Blogs: ICD-10 is the 10th revi­sion of the Inter­na­tion­al Sta­tis­ti­cal Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of Dis­eases and Relat­ed Health Prob­lems (ICD). Basi­cal­ly it’s diag­nos­tic cod­ing sys­tem that is almost in every coun­try in the world. Present­ly we are in the tran­si­tion point from ICD‑9 and ICD-10, so there’s much debate and inter­est around this, espe­cial­ly to providers. One way we’ve stayed on top of this is by inter­view­ing experts on a con­sis­tent basis, with our Open Line Fri­day Tele­con­fer­ences. It is essen­tial a con­fer­ence call that is record­ed, then placed it in a pod­cast for­mat and then placed in blog post, sum­ma­riz­ing that main points. Not only does it increas­es the lifes­pan of the con­tent, but also pro­vides an area online where providers can access the infor­ma­tion at a lat­er date.

Information-Based Content

This con­tent is edu­ca­tion­al and its goal is to sim­ply inform the audi­ence. No mat­ter which audi­ence seg­ment you’re try­ing to reach or appeal to, infor­ma­tion­al-based con­tent is always a sure way to gain trust with your read­ers.

Pro­vid­ing peo­ple with the tools to solve their prob­lems or make their life eas­i­er is a sure win-win for the brand. Here are two exam­ples of our infor­ma­tion based con­tent:

  1. Infor­ma­tion for Our New Mem­bers: This blog is high­lights the tips and infor­ma­tion that is help­ful to the mem­ber, such as how to make a pay­ment, insight about ID cards, as well as con­tact infor­ma­tion if the mem­ber has any ques­tions.
  2. What is Health Insur­ance? This blog con­tains a video, which is a part of our edu­ca­tion­al series on our Flori­da Blue YouTube Chan­nel. Using our blog as an addi­tion­al pro­mo­tion tool, it helps edu­cate the read­er about ins and outs of health insur­ance and health care reform, as they can be dif­fi­cult top­ics to under­stand.

It’s impor­tant to not only know whom your con­tent is for, but also need­ed to enhance and improve the cus­tomer life­cy­cle. By devel­op­ing con­tent around intent, inter­est, and infor­ma­tion, you will be sure to appeal to your audi­ence seg­ments in a pos­i­tive man­ner.

Finding and Using Internal and External Subject Matter Experts

Find­ing and uti­liz­ing sub­ject mat­ter experts is an easy win for any brand. You can use inter­nal sub­ject mat­ter experts to help with con­tent cre­ation, but also net­work exter­nal­ly and dig­i­tal­ly to find exter­nal experts who are gra­cious enough to pro­vide con­tent. Our blog built thought lead­er­ship by work­ing with three blogs:

  1. Stu­dents with Dis­abil­i­ties Ben­e­fit from Flori­da Blue/UNF Part­ner­ship: This blog was cre­at­ed by one of our inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions experts. We have a team of inter­nal and exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion experts, so one way to increase thought lead­er­ship was to have con­tent that was already cre­at­ed inter­nal­ly, be repur­posed and post­ed on the blog with the experts byline. This increas­es diver­si­ty of your con­tent, by hav­ing new authors on your blog. Doing that also can increase your read­er­ship as those new guest blog­gers have a dif­fer­ent social media net­work they can tap into, which once again is anoth­er way to increase traf­fic to your site.
  2. Smart­way, Inno­v­a­tive Prod­uct for Women | Win­ner of the 2014 Flori­da Blue Health Care Inno­va­tion Com­pe­ti­tion: This sum­mer, Flori­da Blue spon­sored a inno­va­tion com­pe­ti­tion where stu­dents from across the State of Flori­da pitched their ideas for inno­va­tions in health­care. After the win­ner was select­ed, we had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with them and gain some exper­tise regard­ing health care inno­va­tion
  3. An Insider’s Per­spec­tive on the Afford­able Care Act: Our Inter­view with Jason Alt­mire [Pod­cast]: Jason Alt­mire is the Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy, Gov­ern­ment and Com­mu­ni­ty Affairs at Flori­da Blue. He also is a for­mer Con­gress­man from Penn­syl­va­nia and served from 2007 to 2013. Using his exper­tise for var­i­ous blog posts and pod­casts has been a great way to edu­cate our blog read­ers on health care reform.

Are you tai­lor­ing con­tent to spe­cif­ic audi­ence seg­ments? How is it work­ing for you? Share your insights in the com­ments!

Victoria Edwards

Written by Victoria Edwards

Digital Content Strategist, Florida Blue

Victoria has been working in online marketing for the past 10ξyears, with specific focus in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media and Content Marketing. She is currently the Digital Content Strategist for Florida Blue. In her position she focuses on content development, management and optimization on their various sites, in addition to SEO, and social media marketing.

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